Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, July 02, 2006

1. What curse word do you use the most? shit
2. Do you own an iPod? no
3. Who on your Myspace "Top 8" do you talk to the most? Shane maybe?
4. What time is your alarm clock set for right now? Its not set.
5. How many suitcases do you own? none, I have a backpack though!
6. Do you wear flip flops outside when it's cold out? Well I've never had flip flops before this year, but this winter... yes, I think I most likely will.
7. Are you having a good day? It has barely begun, but thus far, sure
8. What was the last movie you watched? Waiting, with Graham, it was awesome!
9. Do any of your friends have children? Chelsea does, and some of my friends who are like, from work, and much older then me.
10. Who is your bestfriend? um, I dont know. I'm close with people like jenn, laura, other laura, shane, brianna, martha...
11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? WHen I'm on the greyhound. see, I say its because I get naucious, but how else are you supposed to sleep beside the fat guy who snores and the chatty mexican children?
12. What cd is currently in your cd player? AFI - decemberunderground
13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? chocolate
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week? well we talked about a big secret, but I knew it before
15. When was the last time someone hit on you? hah. like two weeks ago at the gay bar I suppose.
16. Can you whistle? while I work
17. Who was the last person to text you? i don't have text messaging :(
18. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Yes, i know it.
19. Did you watch cartoons as a child? STill do sometimes.
20. How many siblings do you have? one younger brother, and three older step sisters, and an older step brother
21. Are you shy around the opposite sex? I can be, but not often.
22. What movie do you know every line to? lots of musicals, Blythe spirit, zoolander, gone with the wind, ever after, armageddon, 10 thigns I hate about you... lot sof others I've seen too many times.
23. What is the 4th text message on your CELL PHONE? i dont' get them.
24. What is your favorite salad dressing? jamacain (sp) mistake.
25. Do you read for fun? yeah:)
26. Do you do your own dishes? rarely :(
27. Have you ever cried in public? Yes. I've made big scenes before. But only once or twice. I would prefer to cry alone (I'M SOOOO EMO.... LOL)
28. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? desktop
29. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? I'm getting a tattoo in 17 days of a pineapple on my hip, and I think I might want to get my lip pierced.
30. What is the weather like? sun!!!! LOVELY SUN!!!!!
31. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? what their personality like?
32. Do you have an online journal? nope, absolutly not. I don't believe in blogs. :P
33. When was the last time you slept on the floor? I would rather not sleep on a floor. it hurts my back. Proably last time was..... months ago. I slept on the group when we went camping in california, does thta count?
34. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? Well, I have gone trhough periods of little no no sleep, and I have managed. I get weird though. "Yes, you are under alll the mangoes." - a quote from when I didnt sleep much
35. Do you eat breakfast daily? no.
36. Are your days full and fast-paced? not always, but most of the time
37. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? yes.
38. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of package? sometimes
39. When was the last time you drove in a car for over 2 hours? Vernon last weekend
40. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? yes. when I have something wrong spelling wise, I usually go (sp) so everyone knows that I know i'm spelling it wrong!
41. Have you ever been to Six Flags? not yet, maybe on the way down to coachella, what do you think
42. Do you often dream when you sleep? In bright colours!!! (PLEASE GET THIS JOKE AND LAUGH YOUR FACE OFF.... seussical? anyone?)
43. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? depends on the circumstance girls can be petty, but guys don't always give me the emotionally feedback I need. So probably guys, but girls are better as close (best?) friends.
44. Do you like mustard? not really
45. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? side, or all twisted up
46. Last person who called you? Dad, glenn and graham

1) Single, taken or crushin? Single. SOOOO single.
2) Are you happy with where you are? no
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? well I havent met the "right" person yet, now have I?
4) Have you ever had your heart broken? yes.
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where you find cheating acceptable? like threesomes? talking academically, yes, but its bad bad bad! Even if the other person doesn't mind. gad, my relationship with chris was so weird.
6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? depending on the circumstances, probably though.
7) Have you talked about marriage with another person? yeah
8) Do you want children? yes
9) How many? several
10) Would you consider adoption? If I couldn't have my own. I want my own though, no matter how selfish that is.
11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be? something personal and funny or touching. like getting me a birthday cheesecake and writing on it :)
12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? I don't know how to play games. I'm wayyyy to honest when it comes to relationships.
13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dateing? I DONT KNOW HOW!! even if I did, i dont know if I would.
14) Do you believe love at first sight existsts? I don't know yet. there are times (you wive as if in a dweem) (LOL) when I don't think love in the hallmark, hollywood sense exists, but then... *sigh* sometimes....
15) Are you romantic? Sometimes. Sometimes not so much. Like I can have a one-night stand and not get emotionally attached, or i can meet someone ONCE, at a bus stop in another country and have such strong feelings about them that months after I'm still thinking about it.
16) Do you believe you can change someone? I believe a person can be a catalyst for change in someone else, but the change won't neccisarily be what you expect, and... well, change only happens when they want it to.
17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be? I would have an ice castle built in russia, fly all my friends there and have a candlelit wedding. with a string quartet. In a silk and faux fur dress. With peach-pink roses and nice warm shoes, cuz they'd be covered by my dress:D Yeah, I have expensive tastes. But only when they say money isn't an object!!! Otherwise, still a candlelit wedding, but in some other sort of building. or even better, outside, but with candles in the threes. It would have to be carefully monitored though so we didnt burn a forest down.
19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting? No.
20) Do you have feelings for someone right now? Nothing that isn't easily covered up. :) I'm a therapists future retirement home :D
21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you didn't take advantage of your opportunity? absolutly.
22.) Have you ever broken a heart? I believe so.
23.)What will happen if you come home and find another person in bed with your significant other? I'd freak right the fuck out. either that or shut down, walk away, and never go back.
24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other? Does this significant other get no say? if theyre not going to chooose me right away, theyre not worth it.
25.) What would you say your boyfriend/girlfriend does better now than your last ex and what did your last ex do better than boyfriend/girlfriend now? *cough* I have a boyfriend/girlfriend? this is a good question, but not for me.

1. Hometown: Lantzville
2. Height: 5'2 and a half
3. Hair color: naturally light brown, but currently growing out a weird red that used to be purple.
4. Hair length: really short, maybe 3 inches?
5. Hair style: currently I've been getting into the hairband thing
6. Eye color: green
7. Shoe size: 6
8. Mood: apprehensive
9. Sexuality: bisexual
10. Cell phone: rogers

1. Have you ever been in love: as far as my definition of love says thus far.
2. Do you believe in love?: most of the time
3. Why did your last relationship fail?: i completely fucked it up.
4. Have you ever been heartbroken?: yeah
5. Have you ever broken someones heart?: I believe so.
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend: humm... interesting question. ONE of my best friends maybe?
7. Are you planning on getting married?: eventually
8. Are you afraid of commitment?: humm. I don't know, I've never really commited in the past, but not for fear, just situation. I don't like the idea of my movements or thoughts being controlled.... and sometimes I rebelled a little too far from that
9. Would you ever get married to someone of the same sex?: I would consider it
10. Would you ever have sex with someone of the same sex? absolutly not :P:P:P *cough* yeah everyone knows thats bullshit.

1. Love or lust?: for whattttt???? love I guess, but you need both!!!
3. Night or day?: night
4. Hook-ups or relationship?: relationship
5. Tv or internet?: internet
6. Pepsi or coke?: coke....hahah diet cherry vanilla coke
7. Wild night out or romantic night in?: with your friends or a guy? its more fun to be out and crazy with friends, even if theres a random involved, but when its your bf, I'd wanna stay in :)
8. Saturday or Sunday?: saturday
9. Colored or black and white picture?: Black and white
10. Phone or in person?: in person.

SO real post coming soon, I promise.


  • very very interesting.

    i am liking you more and more, girl.

    You have that certain brutal honesty about you.

    Will be one of those well wishers on 19th. take care.

    By Blogger Crizzie Criz!, at July 02, 2006 2:17 PM  

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