Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, July 24, 2006

People aren't very nice hey? in general, I mean. I have kinda lost faith in the world. Its hard to belive in it when there are such shitty things happening all over.

In other news i'm reading pride and prejudice. Its excellent.

I went to megan and darrens house today to work on some fiddler stuff.

I'm not moving to vancouver. Things got weird.

shane hasnt called me back, and jenns being kinda flaky, *shrugs* I love her anyway, but its pretty hard to deal with. she didnt come to my birthday cuz she just hung out at home enstead. and then we were supposed to hang out sunday... but she had some tasha things to take care of.

Arts alive is fun. I *heart* doing musicals.

Amie (sasja's cousin) is awesome, she and I are doing the bottle danmce together (which I helped choreograph by the by) and she ssooooooooo cute and really fast learner. I think she and darren should get togethr :P

A is for age: 19
B is for Booze of choice: smirnoff ice usually. or porn stars with seven-up
C is for career: Musicb teacher hopefully
D is for your dog's name: Ivy, but she died.
E is for what you use everyday: hmmm, the tap in the sink. (this is a harder question then one might surmise)
F is for favorite song at the moment: All I dan think of are Fiddler songs! prolly the new album from thom york.
G is for favorite games: Twister for sure
H is for hometown: Lantzville. I wasnt born here, but I consider it my hometown.
I is for instruments you play: Voice. I have dabbled in cello, violin, piano and flute though.
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry
K is for Kids: yes.
L is for last kiss: graham
M is for most admired trait: I am confident?
N is for the name of your crush: no comment
O is for overnight hospital stays: not yet.
P is for phobias: dying alone
Q is for quotes you like: "The lips on you were plain, the better to a kiss sustain"
R is for biggest regret: losing Gareth. hands down.
S is for sweets of your choice: liquorice and chocolate
T is for the time you wake up: 7:00... gross.
U is for underwear: no way baby... unles Im wearing a skirt. then, usually.
V is for vegetable you love: most of them. cabbage, spinach, asparagus, tomato. loves them all!
X is for x-rays you've had: a few.
Y is for yummy food you make: pasta..... mmmmmm....
Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer.

anywho Im gunna go finish my book.

*I still wish on stars and candles for you, its true*


  • You were gonna move to Van? Dude, I'm sorry the plans didn't work out. I can eqip jack with some chocolate and liquorice (sp?) maybe, to help you feel better....

    By Blogger Trish, at July 25, 2006 4:33 PM  

  • why do i recognize that quote

    what song is that!?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 25, 2006 5:44 PM  

  • Its not from a song... well it is, but not from a song thats ever been recorded... I wrote it....

    By Blogger Pineapple Princess!, at July 25, 2006 11:10 PM  

  • Good to know that you are back to blogging.
    Didja get that tattoo yet?

    By Blogger Crizzie Criz!, at July 26, 2006 10:32 AM  

  • are you playing with me mel.... because its sooo familiar

    wait... did you use it on your msn anytime recently?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 26, 2006 3:06 PM  

  • i hope you would tell me if something about our relationship was bothering you. i wouldn't want to not know i've done something wrong when i have.
    love you mel.

    By Blogger Laura, at July 26, 2006 8:51 PM  

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