Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Victoria can be a really lonely place sometimes. Alyssa totally ditched me yesterday. but nykita and I have been hanging out a LOT. were going to go to coachella together next year. who's going anyways? Martha said maybe, gareth expressed interest, nick and shane were looking at going.... and nykita and I are going. I just got off the phone with shane, we talked for over an hour and a half. I miss him, hes like my best male friend. Hes one of my best friends period I suppose.

This is an open invitation for thanksgiving. On the saturday the 7th of october I'm having a thanksgiving dinner. call and confirm as soon as you can. Paige, nykita, shane, nick? Martha? ashley? arlen, alyssa? Jenn? Brady? will, nolan? whoever wants to come is invited. just call and let me know. you all can crash here if you dont mind the floor or a couch. bring your blankets or pillows if you can, if youre not coming on the bus or something. also either bring something to share or a little money to chip in, groceries aren't cheap. My mastercard is feeling the beating of my poorness already. Ive got almost 600 on it already! :S 70 from ashley, 5 from jenn, 200 from my mom buts still, that leaves me with over 300. I need to make more money or spend less. I wish nykita would move in with me, it would save me 120 per month, which really adds up, it would be a thousand dollars less spent by the time I move out. thats crazy talk.

Ive been so busy. im exhausted, Im goign to bed.


  • hey melllll
    i love you
    just so you know.
    and i really miss you.

    By Blogger Laura, at September 23, 2006 3:06 PM  

  • Oh good so you're gonna have all the Nanaimo people come to visit Victoria on the weekend when I go to Nanaimo! Haha...oh well. Have fun with your Thanksgiving dinner then.

    Sorry that we weren't able to go salsa dancing with you, as Nicole and I were in Vancouver, but PLEASE call us again in the future to ask about fun things!

    I should call you sometime...herm.

    By Blogger Megan, at September 25, 2006 9:12 AM  

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