Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, October 25, 2004

In a contemplative fashion

I had a really really good long weekend, on thursday night, after choir I went and worked with the male chorus on the dance a cachucha and we were really successful. Friday day Brianna and I were going to go to a movie, but she had to clean, so I went to see a shark tale (again) with Laura and Nicole. After, I went to rehearsal again, and worked on the dance a cachucha again and was less sucessful with the women, they think they know what theyre doing, when really they don't. Than I went to geoff's house and we went to get a movie. We got the matrix and we watched it. Than I hung out at his house untill quarter to two. That was fun:D I really like that new song that APC covered - imagine by john lennon. On saturday we had gondoliers rehearsal untill 4, and that was really helpful, they changed the finale though and that was a little worrisome. Than I worked untill 12 and went to briannas for the night. she had brought me sugar cookies and a really nice card that *blush* made me cry... cuz I'd been having a bad week. Anyways, we went out for breakfast the next morning and than I went to Panto. After panto, Nicole and I went to the Pita Pit and than Brianna and I and our mothers went to Shall We Dance and I fell in love with ballroom dancing! Anyways, This week is gondoliers, so it should be fun.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


hahah thats right, I am emo and angst and horrible, and theres nothing that you can do about it, not that anyone has tried or anything. Today and this week since like the last post has been the suck. Work is hard and late, homework is hard and late, musical theatre is the suck lately, and everyone is so lazy! I have this theory that if I work harder, other people will work harder too. Its not working out the way I had planned. My show opens in like 6 days, and I dont feel ready, I don't know, maybe everyone else is just sooooooo ready, (which they aren't) but I know I'm not either.
Recap: friday night - Variety night - it was fun but stressful
Afterparty at jordans house. - Geoff was "disapproving" - I stopped caring
Saturday - Rehearsal - Geoff slept in and we were late but it felt like it was coming together for the first time
- Hung out with Brianna and than went to Barbara's "girls night"
-sleep was not plentiful ( brianna and I stole Babaraba's bed)
Sunday - worked till like 2:30....... again, sleep was at minimal levels
Monday - school - Muth, no ride to dance, hung out with alleah, we watched the secret garden. perhaps the highlight of my week. Oh and I'm singing in the quartet.
Tuesday - Choir and Panto rehearsal - oh my gad the suck is overwhelming
Wednesday - Muth - frustrating
Dance - painful (whats new)
Thursday - Its not over. but its been sucky so far. I want it to get better.

I'm off to choir, wish me luck!

Friday, October 15, 2004

boys? at a girls night? NOW THATS JUST WRONG!!!!!

Oh man, first of all, alleah was like "yeah I feel bad for Brianna cuz she'll be the only single one", and let me just point out that I so don't have a boyfriend, and that really doesn't matter to me, but its people like that who are all like "oh don't worry dear, I'm sure you won't be single forever" when you weren't worried in the first place that make it such a "bad" thing to be single. Actually I'm quite enjoying it, for example at the moment I have one serious crush, but like 16 other secondary crushes and thats totally okay! and theres nobody that can be offended at that or mad. so being single is fun for me, I have more time to have fun, and I can flirt with pretty boys and talk with anyone I want and not have to be involved in whatever the emotional and horrible stuff that come with relationships.

AND, I guarantee you that everyone complains to their friends at one point or another, Alleah is no exception, and she was all "Mel and Brianna have bitch talks together, so I think there spending too much time together" well, you know what? thats the two "poor singles" that are spending time with friends rather than with our boyfriends ALL the time, and I really don't mind that you feel any way, I mean just *guh* frustrating, cuz I dont like people to think that I'm talking about them behind their back when I could be saying it right to their face, because thats what I try really hard to do, I hate it when people are talking behind other peoples backs so I really try hard to avoid that. So I was hurt by that implication.

Anyways, away from that, Gondoliers opens in 12 days so I'm starting to stress about that, and Variety night is tonight, so come and check it out (7:00, only $5!!!) but its cool, I mean generally everythings okay I guess.

Sorry, I guess I don't have much to say. I've been busy, but with boring things like dance and muth and variety night rehearsals and gondoliers and Panto (I hate the panto dance btw, I feel dumb and I can't do it. Nicole is better than me. I'm a freaking dancer for gods sake, and just cuz I was at gondoliers last night, she got the only good chorus thing in the whole play. I'm mad and shes been grumpy at me lately, so we're not doing so well) Oh well, spare block is over so I suppose I shall leave you now.

By the By, Brianna, you were right, I got barnicle Barney

Monday, October 11, 2004

"The world on blood, Its like a hyper-reality, where everything is just more than it is"

Honestly, you have to check out Brianna's comics. Very important to your sanity. It explains many wondrous things about life!!!!!! (for example, I am a walking punnets square mutant (you'll see))
Thank you, and enjoy. Anyways, this weekend has been rather rollercoastery. (yes, its a word, ROLLERCOASTERY!!!!!) On friday after school, we had MuTh, where I really didn't do a whole hellofalot. walked in on tim and laura and that was a little scary. Than Nicole and I went to dance class, we're doing "one" from a chorus line for part of our dance and that makes me so happy! i love it!!! and after that her daddy dropped me off at roses house and we dyed my hair, and went to Laura B's house and had a marvelous sleepover which included magnificent drawrings and other fantastics. We spooned on lauras futon and so I was really hot when I woke up, and that was uncomfy, cuz I need space when I sleep. (thats why I never sleep with guys, right? *wink* never ever. Je suis la Puchelle!!!!!!!) and in the morning I had to get picked up to go to my gondoliers rehearsal. It was alright, I helped some of the ladies on the dance for quite awhile, (arlene asked me to officially be "Dance Captain!") and than we blocked the final scene. But arlene was dumb and just didnt happen to tell us about a rehearsal we have on wednesday, when I already have a commitment *glare*. Oh well. The rest of rehearsal went okay, geoff continued to be all geoffy *discriptive nonetheless* and afterwards we went to white spot and ate veggi burgers. Of course, strange coincidences continue to arise in our "just-friend-ship", I looked over top of the tall driunks between our plates, and we had both been pulling the onions off of our burgers, without noticing the other one had been doing so. But maybe I'm just looking for something that isn't there, becaue I love mushrooms and he doesn't *crazy bugger* but still, he has my favourite pizza, and thats just odd. But, he doesnt like coffee, and I repeat *CRAZY BUGGER*. I mean really, thats just insanity talking!
After white spot, I went to work, which was comparativly uneventful (ohhhhh except that I saw James, and god is he ever pretty! and he waved at me and was all sweet, it was cute) but than I went to Brianna's cat-sitting house and had a jolly good time. We talked, and watched part of star wars (I was so confused, brianna translated into crazy for me) ("I DONT SPEAK CRAZY" - "oh but you do, brianna") and than were tired and went to sleep in the lucious, wonderful bed *MMMMMMMMM* and I had all the room I needed. We didn't get up untill 11, and than we went downstairs and what did I find?a bird, obviously tortured and feathers all over the kitchen! it was a tragedy, I tell you. poor birdie. But we cleaned it up and read brainteasers and watched the rest of the movie, so we werent THAT broken up over it. But cats are mean.
I was supposed to get together with Katie to work on our project, but she couldnt find the house, and I had to work at 5:45, so we're gunna have to do it tomorrow or something. Work tonight sucked, we didnt get out till past midnight, and I was the first one out (thumbs down). But I was looking forward to coming back to dads and go on msn cuz my moms house doesnt have it, and I was so dissipointed! Its not working!!!!!!! *frustration* and nobody calls me and stuff, I'm lonely! (ooh on a side note, I finished my book, and it was lovely!)
Tomorrow, I have to work with brianna and Geoff on the Pineapple princess thing for variety night (COME TO VARIETY NIGHT ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and work on my project and burn a solo music CD and maybe see dan, and maybe go to thanksgiving dinner at laura's house, cuz neither of my families planned one for this weekend, and dads is on halloween, when I'll be on stage with the boy I like, him all not liking me, and singing about stupid fucking roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!, *deep breath* usually I would just backspace that rant away but I'm trying to be relatively honest in this journal and not make up things that havent happened or do/feel inportant things and NOT talk about them. But that could be a bad idea as this is a public site and people involved in my rants might read them. Oh well, tough shits, they may as well know, In fact if they don't that just shows how bad i am at expressing myself in real life and will give me something to work towards.
Sorry about how the tone of this blog went downhill. I think I'll just leave it here and sleep some. my throught hurts and I feel lonely. And thats so not like a pineapple princess should feel *stomps feet and pouts* *wink*. I love you all, and hope I can talk with you on a non-sucky MSN soon.

PS. Last night I had a dream about the may day fireworks, the second-to-last time that Geoff and alleah got back together again (that part was important), and the time (to quote dan: "I was wondering:"wheres mel", but that I was like "ohhh, thats okay shes under gareths face"") but everything was wonky-acid-trippy-and I was was deathly afraind the one of them (geoff or gareth) was gunna hurt me, and I couldnt for the life of me figure out why, but than I realize its cuz they're both in the mafia and they want me to be a hooker, and so I have to go swimming, but there are sharks. If anyone has some sort of help on what this means, than I would be greatly appreciative of their insight.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Vampire novels are seductive.

I'm reading a book called "The world on blood" by Jonathan Nasaw, and I'm leaving this up to you all; what is it about vampires that's so sexy? Is it the blood, is it the biting, is it the darkness? This book is crazy, but I'm really enjoying it so far. Its well written and has and interesting plot line, But I'm not done yet so I'm pretty excited to continue!

anyways I'm gunna head over to nicoles now so I'll prolly blog a bit later!!!!! - Tim's Blog

What time is it????? NOODLE TIME!!!!!!

Thats right, I have wrath, FEAR MY SQUIRRELLY WRATH!!!!!!! hahahahahah I'm eating my lunch right now at school and making a blog which is neat. Yesterday was really quite frustrating; I had my spare last so I went to country club and bought myself a yummy yummy Pita from the Pita Pit, and than after that I went to choir and alleah, april and I got that top soprano note, but I was having a really hard time with it and I dont know why because I have to hit notes much higher than that in both the Gondoliers and Bye Bye Birdie, so that was frustrating, but also Geoff and I had made plans like last saturday, to hang out after choir, but I guess he forgot, but thats okay because I just went to Dairy Queen and did my homework. Than I got picked up by Janis and Brenda, and we tried to find where this rehearsal for the gondoliers was, and I mean they gave like the worst directions ever (I hate arlene!!!!) but we found it eventually, and the set was totally different from what I had expected but it went okay I guess, I mean geoff was all, nice and stuff, and I was hoping that it wouldnt be weird... and It wasn't but its still frustrating because I'm all.... crazy and stuff ("I'm crazy joe... wanna see my sock puppets??? and I'm not a real financial advisor") but yeah, it works, I'm really lucky to have a friend like him... and all my other wonderful amazing friends!!!! (I love you guys) *tears*

Damn people who are at concerts!!!!! I don't really wanna go to that class that I have right now... history...... Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do, and besides, I have my homework done, and thats always a plus, but It means staying up late which is a minus to life (thumbs down) allalalalalalalalalalalala FEAR MY SQUIRRELY WRATH!!!!!!!!!!

good night my someone goodnight... my white night, not a lancelot, nor an angel with wings...... hahahahahah seventy-six trombones..... at the copa, copacabana, music and passion were always the fashion.... we love you conrad....... we cant be, wont be, shant be, bothered now!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Other peoples Blogs - (remember mel!!!!)

Oh sucky, I just lost an entry I wrote! Anyways the main idea behind it is that other people have blogs and I listed some of the ones I knew! for example:
Will -
Brianna -
Alleah -
Nicole -
Laura -
Barbara - (i think)
Geoff -
Lisa -

Does Gareth have one? anyone wanna let me know?

Kisses and hugs everyone, I'm off

chocolate is my saviour

Honestly, I dont think I could have gotten through this emotion-laden week without a very large bar of chocolate (thanks lisa and ahsley!!!) and the tea of champions - MINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so so excited about brianna and my song this afternoon, however, we have never practiced with geoff on his ukulele, and thats a bad thing on audition day. let me explain more clearly; On monday, brianna and I looked at a song which I have loved for about a year, called pineapple princess, and she informed me that it had two part harmony in it, which i had never really thought about before and I was like "OMG variety night is next week, we should learn it and put it in!!!!" and she was all "YEAH!" but after we learned the singing parts to it, we wanted to have the background, and all it is is about three chords on a ukulele, and i knew that dan had a uke but he informed me that it was stringless, so we were commiserating with geoff, and he was like, "my mom has ukuleles at school and she said that we could borrow one and i can learn it" and brianna and I were sooooo happy, so today after school, geoff's gunna come with the rest of the wellys and we're gunna practice so that we have it perfect and than we have an audition at 4:00! Right now I really should be studying for my geography test, but its on climate and I really know quite alot about climate so I should be fine, for example, this morning as I was walking down my hill and the sun was rising, enstead of thinking "woah what a pretty sunrise!" it was like "interesting, there are cirrus clouds, in the sky, that must mean that the mid-latitude cyclone has deflected because of the jetstream and fair weather is approaching" Thats what geography has done to me. I'm kindof not liking it, but yesterday, I told my mother that it was gunna rain because of the nimbo-stratus clouds, so i didnt need to water, and I was right! I like being right. which is good because I'm ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!! *glare*..... However, I watered anyways because I love my mommy, even though she's being a huge cow at the moment and totally unfair about things. Oh well, shes under alot of stress.
Last night we had our first Real rehearsal for the Pantomime: Babes In the Woods, and it was okay, a little boring, and I HATE Ann's choreography because its just so dumb that I can't stand it!!!!!! Musical theatre choreographers are generally aweful, but I actually dont really mind the dance a cacucha very much, but thats cuz im good at it and kelli is more respectful to me. But I really would like for the babes in the woods to not be such crappy choreography. Its frustrating. Than again, what isnt!?!
Anyways, I am off and out, I shall speak to you again soon hopefully, wish me luck on my geo test!!!

First post!!!!

Welcome to my blog!!!!!!!!! I swear I'm just so far behind the trend that I'm actually leading it, like those fashions from the seventies that came back again in the ninties and stuff. Anyways im not a follower!!!!!!! agh, I got called to the office! have a good day!