Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Camping, Tim Hortons and Graduation

I will never go to another job interview sober. On Sunday morning I went to drop off a resume at the Dickenson Tim Hortons because I saw that they were hiring for the 3-11 shift which is a full 8 hours even with Arts ALive (I have to leave a couple of minutes early though :S and my Arts ALive social life is all to hell :S). Anyways, I got a call that same afternoon that asked me to to come in to an interview the next morning. So I was like sure - but than the trouble hit. I went camping and drank FAR too much vodka, so the next morning when I woke up, I was still drunk, i couldnt even walk in a straight line. Uh oh! So I go the the interview, and I get the job!!!! and that is why I will never go to another job interview sober.

In other news, camping was a lot of fun. Some people should never drink tequila again though. I really liked seeing Brady, I didn't realize how much I missed him, untill I saw him again. He's gone through so much in his life, and I can't relate to some of his experiences... But still.

Grad is tomorrow. Dan is playing the guitar for the first time in front of an audience, accompanying me for "Good Riddance (Time of your life)" (Our grad song). I really hope neither of us fuck up. We're representing the drama kids, and the best that he school has to offer... Thats so sad!

Anyways, I'm off to my first shift at timmy's! *loves*

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Sometimes I wonder if our Brains just take all the information they recieve, mix it up, spew it out and call it art.

Brainwashed much?

I don't want to move away.... its totally starting to hit me :S

I can help you change
Tired moments into pleasure.
Say the word and we'll be
Well upon our way.

Blend and balance
Pain and comfort
Deep within you
Till you will not want me any other way.

Knuckle deep inside the borderline.
This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.
Relax. Slip away.
- tool

I want to be posessed, dominated and completely taken over. My life is out of my control and I kinda like it

Monday, June 20, 2005

Alright, you guys all know how messy my room is normally just because I dont go home, so it doesnt really affect me, you know? well we have this appraiser coming to our house to see how much my dad can get, so i had to have it spotless, and its crazy all the stuff I found that I didnt know I had!

In other news, Shane and I have to pretend that we're going out so we can get an apartment with one bedroom. Its kinda funny, we strted to try to come up with a backstory, and than decided it was easier to just go with his and Laura's backstory. but where does that leave laura? long story short, to anyone who asks, shes his sister... incest is BAD :P.

Anyways, I'm off to dance. more updates later!!!! (L)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

verty boring day

the party last night was tres fun. A little odd, but fun. We did different things than we do at most parties, and I hung out with different people. I enjoyed playing the card game with Victor and Ty (Kim and Will and Tim on occasion also). This morning I had to go deal with a crisis at Jenns house, so we chilled there, and ate all her food, all day long:S

Tongiht we plan to get very very plastered, and have lots of fun.

(It was a dull day, theres not much more to say!!!!)

In other news, alleah may be dead.

Furthermore, Gareth is a jackass.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Schools out for the summer!!!!! in fact, schools out for FOREVER!!!! OH my god, it was an emotional day. We were all up at jenns house untill at least 4:30, (5:30 for me) and than AJ hogged aall of the bed..... jerk :P In the morning I washed the crazy hair out.... i kinda miss it, it was in little pigtails all over my head and in different colours:D And we did the countdown in the courtyard that I've been wanting to do since grade 8!!! wow.... hard to believe its really over. Other than exams of course. I'm gunna really miss all the drama room kids... you guys have been my saving grace.

Seussical casting

Cat in the hat - Nicole
Sour Kangaroo - Brianna
Mayzie - Elina
Schmitz - Rasmus
Wickershams - Matt
- Rose
- Megan R
Horton - Kevin
Bird Girls - Laura B
- Megan B
- Sasjah
Gertrude - ME!!!!
Yertle - Nikita
Mayor - Stephen
Mrs. Mayor - Martha
Grinch - Camille
Jojo - Sam Dubinsky

I have a lead. Holy crap. I'm totally screwed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Granny smith apples are neat.

There are places I remember all my life though some have changed....

Graduation is tough.

Especially If I don't do it.

I want to live away and do musicals all the time forever and forever.

And theres this guy.... *sigh*

I get to be the ref in our basketball dance

pineapples are the BEST FOOD EVER

Say You Won't Care....

Guys, I don't want to graduate. I want to come back to high school. I know thas ridiculous, but really. I'm so scared for this coming up year. What if?

In other news, I may be goign through some sort of phase, because normally, I DO not get attracted to guys easily, and since Friday there's been three that I've been like "ayyyyyyyy!" One especially... guh, this is ridiculous... I should just talk to him. But what if....

I hate hate hate waiting for casting. especially recently, I mean I know that the best I can hope for is a bird girl, and thats just not good enough for me!!! they're probably going to tell us tomorrow or the day after... I mean really. I dont want to be a Wickersham brother..... or chorus. Well chorus is okay I guess.... But this is most likely my LAST ever musical, and I just... what if.

In other news, I loked okay today apparently. I got like four comments.... and Ty said that I had an infectious smile :D I was pleased. Unfortunatly, they all seemed surprised. Thats negative. it means that usually, I don't look so good. boo on that. I shuld get some more cool clothes and look better most of the time.... And besides, I've lost 12 pounds and it seems to be staying off, I mean I was down to 19, but I think most of that was waterweight gone. Its going down more gradually now:) I hope that I get to the goal.... I should start running again. Hopefully that doesnt hurt my shins too bad. Oh well, who needs shins anyways? I'll go tomorrow. I'll walk to my rehearsal.

Only three more days left!!! :S :S :S :S I'm gunna search for apartments now.... <3 goodnight my darlings.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I get by with a little help from my friends

We do have a deal!!!!
I know you guys don't like it when I post lyrics, but this is the song I'm probably going to sing for our grad ceremonies... Let me know what you think!!! download it and check it out!!!!
In this Diary - The Ataris

Here in this diary,
I write you visions of my summer.
It was the best I ever had.
There were choruses and sing-alongs,
And not a spoken feeling.
I’m knowing that right now is all that matters.
All the nights we stayed up talking
And listening to 80’s songs;
Quoting lines from all those movies that we love.
It still brings a smile to my face.
I guess when it comes down to it...

Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
Is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.

Breaking into hotel swimming pools,
And wreaking havoc on our world.
Hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time.
The black top’s singing me to sleep.
Lighting fireworks in parking lots,
Illuminate the blackest nights.
Cherry cokes under this moonlight summer sky.
2015 riverside (Change to Grad '05?), it’s time to say, goodbye.
Get on the bus, it’s time to go.

Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
Is just following your heart,
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.

Anyways - to go on about this weekend - On Friday we all went over to Brianna's house for her get-together, A bunch of people just didn't show up, but it was fun anyways with a smaller number of people. I brought my own Diet coke this time, so I didn't have to drink the regular sugar-high pop! wOOt! ANyways, after awhile, Geoff and Awesome Squad showed up after their show, and after we chatted for a VERY brief while, Gareth and I had to leave to go to Shane and Nick's bash. A couple of interesting things happened... Kelsey hit me, and yelled a lot (shes an angry drunk, that part wasnt so cool) I had to change my pants 3 times because they kept getting things spilled on them. A couple of people hooked up (no names mentioned here) one couple actually got together (again with the secrets :P:P:P) and a very cute, very drunk guy passed out on top of me for at least an hour. Anyways, In the morning, we all got up, and I had places to be, so J.Ro (wonderful guy that he is) drove me all the way up that long cold hill to Briannas :) I was early so we looked at magazines and had hot chocolate and stuff... Unfortunatle, when it came time to start practicing out awesome four-part arrangment of Sandman, we were missing the all inportant FOURTH PART!!! I was kinna pissed, cuz I got up early, and hungover to be there, and alleah wasn't able to make it. Of course I haven't talked to her, but I assume nothing dastardly happened. (at least I hope not). Anyways, we will be singing Blue Moon enstead and I suppose Alleah will sing a solo. On Saturday Evening (Post) after being soaked to the SKIN walking from Brianna's, I had coffee with Gareth and than went to Festival, one act pays by the acting 11/12 students. (I had to change into some things from the costume cupboard) There were several good plays, some confusing or under-performed ones and one amazing one. I am So impressed with Glenn, Megan, Fraser, and Katie from "Andrea Has Two Boyfriends". I laughed I cried, it was AMAZING. so many lines to learn too, wow megs. After the show I went to Cora's for a bit. Now thats one aweomse girl. I'd love to get to know her better! Than Jenn and her dad picked me up and I went there, for a bit. We chatted about our boys/lackthereof, and tried to watch a movie, but fell asleep. Sunday was uber-low key, we seriously just hung out and got cheap food from Kelseys.

Yesterday I got to take a class with Kirsten again, I really missed her!!! I'm looking forward to spending a considerable amount of my summer with her! ANyways, I have to go, hope this satisfies you, alleah! (And anybody else:P)

Friday, June 10, 2005

I wish I was special, Youre so fucking special....

Alright, so thngs are going pretty good in mel-land. thank you ALLEAH for commenting!!! (oh, and alana, you're one of my favourite commenters also:D) So, Things have been good like I say, we're an hour and a bit into "Shoot-2-kill" and I am still in the game:P I'm glad that you can't get shot in other people's houses, cuz otherwise Shane's and Brianna's tonight would be carnage!!! ( For anyone who doesnt know, Shoot2Kill is a grad game, with waterguns and stalking)I bought a small but well thought out present for Brianna, and I really hope she likes it... I also managed to get all expenses paid off, and buy some playtime(alchohol) for tonight, with the money I made this week selling HarbourLynx tickets (If anybody wants one, theyre $5 off!)

K, do you guys ahve any IDEA how many colories are in coolers? See thats what I usualy drink, because 4 will get me good and sloshed, but tonight, I'm getting vodka and mixing it with Diet coke, cuz There are 280 calories in ONE COOLER!!!!! way too many for me :S If I were to drink coolers tonight, I wouldnt be able to eat ALL DAY! and thats re-god-damn-diculous! (to quote... someone.... probably dan... or nolan.... or shane for that matter)Speaking of eating... I ate so badly this week, I probably gained back all the weight I lost before.... for example, I told mmyself that today I wouldnt eat Ice cream.... ensetad somehow I convinced myself it would be okay to eat fries..... dummy :S

OKay so the current plan for next year... Live On Cadboro Bay Rd. with Jenn and Shane. One Bedroom, one Bath, cable for free and Internet. We will be paying about $500 per month without travel back and forth to Nanaimo. So if we work 20 hours a week, we'll be able to make it!!! and considering we should be working at least 40 hours, We'll be well off.

I dont know what else to tell you.... Seussical auditions were fun.... I'm HOPEING against hope that I get a good part, but another person going for the part I want is Crystal Cashmore, Brianna and Rosie, all of whom have a chance at it..... DAMN:P

Even so, it should be fun. My birthday is in the middle of it again this year, and if anybody plans to get me anything, PLEASE dont. Unless you want to make me something, or contribute to the get-mel-an-apartment fund.... But making me something would be awesome:D:D:D ANyways, that pretty much all I have to say... most interesteing things going on in my life I'm not allowed to talk about, and I hate that.... Hopw much easier would it be if you hung out with people and they said exactly what they thought... dating would be hard though. - "God your ass is huge!" "Thats okay, I think you smell bad" "Alright, Good bye then" "Good bye". It would be harsh. There are lines!!!! SPeasking of lines, go see the plays at dover, friday and saturday at 7:00. $5 at the door!!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Quick Post Of Awesome

Hey I'm actually going to school today, oddly enough.... So I only have 10 minutes to post, and talk to Barbara. Things are going good overall, I had SUCH a great weekend with Tahsa and Jenn, and Shane and AJ. I'm glad things are getting better with Laura and Shane. She had something she needed to talk to him about, and finally got around to, so I'm glad that everything got worked out that way. Shane and I are living in Victoria together next year, and I'm looking forward to having him as my roommate. Hes very clean :P. We went in thwe hot tub (EVERYONE and It nearly overflowed, and dan grabbed shanes balls with his toes. I hung out with Geoff las night. We went to Timmys, Downtown and Beban. Tasha's truck is neat. Looking forward to a fun friday... :D

thats it.... theres more, but I have to go to school <3