Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Monday, August 29, 2005

My first day

Okay so, yesterday, I was sheduled to start work at 11, so I'm there at 15 minutes early, and the nice blone lady who was there, said he wouldnt be there till right at 11, so to go get a coffee, so I did! mmmmmm coffee..... SO anyways, we make bunwiches (sandwiches in buns) and theyre really quite good. about a billion differentkinds, but the mot popular, is by far the "super bun" they've ben selling them for over 30 years. Its pretty sweet.

In other news, I might be in a band and a choir! theres a couple people I've talked to down here who I'm gunna jam with, and maybe do band stuff :) And Prima Youth Choir, I want to audition and join, it looks so good, 16 t0 23 year olds, and all good!!! I'm excied

Anyways, I'm staying at Laura and elenas tonight

I'm excited:D

<3 Talk to you all after my first day at Subway!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Victoria and buns

I found somewhere to stay! thank you everyone for your concern though:D

I had my first day at work today! I started at 11, at this adorable little bun shop downtown, and worked for 9 hours. It was awesome, I loved it a lot :D

I plan to be bloggin a lot, so wait for more updates!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

maybe they just felt sorry for my grey hair

My hair went Grey, I bleached the green out of it, and than put brown on it, and its grey... yeah, we're ignoring that

Because on the bright side..... I got two jobs!!! One at a bun shop on the corner of courtenay and government stree, right downtown, and the other is a really close subway!

Of course, theres a downside to that too.... I work tomorrow. And the next day. and I have nowhere to live... Victora city street kid, here I come! Laura offered to let me live at their place on monday-wednesday nights, but still sunday night, I'm a little bit short one place to live. I may hide in a display at a mall

E!!!! I'm totally stoked! hafta go help with supper..... the more work I do, the less likely I will start crying because I'm alone in a strange city! <3

Friday, August 26, 2005

Past couple of whileses

This week has been fairly low key. I've gotten to know AJ much better, and I really have enjoyed that, because he's a great guy. Everyone should be so lucky as to have someone like him in their lives.

On monday I hung out with Gareth for a little while, after meeting a billion people at the mall! and than Nicole came ovr, and we just spent some real quality time together... I miss her...

TUesday AJ and I hung out and talkwed about pzza. It was pretty sweet, we have this whole set of inside joes nobody else but us gets:D Tuesday night my family had heystacks and Cassy had a crisis. So it was just me and AJ again, for a large portion of the day!

Wednesday was the laziest day I've had in a very very long time, I didnt do anything, all day... Than, at night, I know I did something.... hummm, Oh yeah! I went to watch my dad rehearse with his music group celtic chaos. Theyre pretty awesome. I went to watch movies with Tasha and Syd. But fell asleep, very early.

Thursday night, last ngiht, AJ slept over yet again, and we stayed up talking till far too late, of cabbages and kings, and whether pigs have wings. (most don't we've decided)

Anyways, I know this was a boring post, but I'm going to Victoria tonight, so I suppose, i will be able to have some interesting this to say when i come back. <3

Monday, August 22, 2005

Laura in Honk!

I saw this awesome play in QUalicum about this cat, the cat tries to eat some stuff, it is very dramatic; the cat plays on our heartstrings with the grace and skill of yo-yo ma, on a stringed instrument of some kind.
NO really though, Laura in Honk was awesome, her song "play with your food" was exectuted with the grace of a ballerina exectioner.... Sorry, I'm having comparision issues. Laura was awesome in Honk! and I forgot untill after that she was sick, athough the transition from chest to head voice was noticable, it was not distracting from the performance. Well characterised, and overall, excellent. Go see Honk!

Sunday, August 21, 2005


I went to Qualicm with Geoff today to see him, (and a bunch of other people too) in Honk with Bard to Broadway. It was so good, this one part where Ugly is singing about how he hates being different, I got all teary :S... The girl who plays Ida Duck is so cute as Geoff's mother! and Aron as the bullfrog was really great. I wish I had seen it earlier in the summer, so that I could see it again!

Last night Tasha and AJ slept over at my house again, and before that I hung out with Glenn at his house for awhile. In the day I had planned to go and do something with Laura, but she had to go to Newcastle Island to get a campsite for her and tim. So she came over to downtown in the afternoon we hung out for a couple of hours, and I got my Labret pierced! (thats the area right below your bottom lip) It looks ok, depending on who you ask...

Friday night, Cora and I slept at my dads house, indulged in some illegal beverages and watched a movie or two.

Not many updates, really from this end.... I'll update more if more interesting stuff happens to me, that I can talk about on the internet :P

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Emotions are running high these days

Brianna was being particularly insensitive, about something I was partcularly sensitive about, and it felt like she chose stephen over me a couple of times.... Adn I understand that, I really do, but it still sucks.

even worse, the thing she was insensitive about, she was right. WHich is bad on two levels. I hate being wrong, and therefore may become resntful, and on the other.... well she knew something that someone else said that hurt my feelings. a lot.

I dont want to work tonight!!! I want to crawl in a hole.

or jump into one, a very deep one, and see what happens when I hit rock-bottom

good bye

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Its Tuesday... *Octave Drop*

*Achooo* (Now if I could just learn to multiply by 7 or 8.)
Yesterday after I got up at Laura's house, I went to Tim Hortons to meet Dan and Jenn for dinner (slash lunch?) and Jenn drove me up to Geoffs where there was a small gathering that was slightly party-like (There were balloons). I stayed the night there. In the morning Geoff drove me back to Lauras and thats where I am now. Pretty boring, I know!

ANyways, I work again tonight, (Yay) ANd By the time, I get somewhere where I can sleep, It will be 24 hours since I got up. I'm sure thats not healthy.

I will update more later. *hearts*

Monday, August 15, 2005

Love's Labours Lost

I enjoy alliteration.

Lisa and Spencer came to visit me on my break last night, it was super! I really like them together, I'm not sure what their deal is, but I dont care cuz its cute.

Yesterday I went to the mall and saw a billion people I know; Sarah W, Tasha, Dan, Gareth, Jenn B, and Cora. I took a bus to Laura's house cuz I'm housesitting till tomorrow than walked up to Brianna's house, for the games night. It was an odd group of people, but entirely worthwhile. I was supposed to meet Brady and Tasha for coffee at ten before I worked at 11, but Brady wasnt able to make it, so it was just me and TAsha, which is still cool.

I worked the Graveyard again, and so In my head its still sunday. weird. it was pretty slow and therefore, seemed slightly longer than expected. I took the bus to Lauras house and crashed for 5 hours or so, I'm starting to get used to this whole Graveyard thing... essentially its like, you don't sleep ever, so its okay!

Tongiht theres something going on at Geoffs house so I think I'll prolly end up going to that.

Nothing much new. HOnestly people, comments are neat, without them, why would I bother. I wrote a superlong post last time and didn't get ANY comments on it (Besides glenns sex story!) WHats all that about!?

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Graveyard shifts are bunk

I have now been up for 22 hours straight. I got off of work a half hour ago, so I dont thionk I'll be able to sleep yet, Ive got a LOT of caffeine runing through my veins :P I might work graveyard again tonight (11-7) But I think I'd much rather just stay at Briannas!!! (games night with the libratorbs tonight!) Woot.

SO I have a hundred dollars for food for this month in Victoria, and thats if I dont spend any of it at all over the next two weeks. Which is unlikely. boo.

Is it weird that I'm listening to all the christmas music I have on my computer? Right now Its "Jingle Bell Rock" :D I enjoy it.

OKay, I'm going to take a leaf out of briannas book and recap the past couple of days:
Monday I Had the first day of choreography in the morning, It was this class with Candice, Shannon, this girl Anna, and me, taught by Miss Kirsten, all about CHoreography, and how to choose music and write it out and everything, So I chose the song "Alien Angel" by 3, and made a dance about the conflict between Science and Religion. I titled it Galileo's Dogma. I enjoyed it very much. Than afterwards Nicole Picked me up, and we spent some ver needed nicole and mel time together. We went to the beach and laughed at the babies and old people and single moms who made friends. We saw my sister there, it was awesome. Chatted to Brady on the Phone, cuz it was his Birthday! Nicole and I went to her house, and than she dropped me off at glenns where I hung out for a couple of hours. Than glenn told me about this BBQ going on at Geoff's house, so I decided to go, so I hopped on a bus and there I was! The downside to that party was that out of 7 people in the room, I had screwed around with 5 of them. These numbers depressed me. *shrugs* not enough to change my ways. Honestly, Its just a coincidence... I hope :P The guys and I stayed later than anyone else playing video games:P

Tuesday I went to the CHoreography thing again, I could barely move My muscles were so sore! Holy crap, I had to roll off my bunk bed to get out. I havent dont class since October, and we did a 45 minute Barre! It was crazy. Scrapped all the choreography I had done, because I hated it, knew I had to start again the next day. Met Tasha and AJ at the Mall, and than went to AJ's band Jam... It was alright, kinna slow... I took a bus home, and was going to go to sleep early, but enstead I watched a movie with Martha (SPanglish, 4 1/2 stars out of 5) and than chatted with her for a long time. Than watcehd another movie.... (Hitch, 4 stars out of 5) SO by the time I actually got to sleep it must have been 2.

Wednesday Slept in and had a headache, so I missed the dance thing :S I felt really bad, especially cuz I really wanted to do it...

I cant rememebr how, btu I got tot Lauras house for the large get-together in progress. I saw a lot of people I wanted to see, and Had a ton of fun. HOnestly, I think that was one of the best parties of this year. I slept over at Lauras with Brianna and Barabara. Kevin stayed there till 4. AM :O

Thursday I had to get up 5 hours after Kevin left to catch my 9:11 BUs, I met a reall cute lady with a baby, who laura and brianna a and I saw when we wnt to protection Island. she just wanted to chat about everything. I guess it must get pretty lonely being a single mom... SHe coulnt have been older than... 22? ANyways, We did Choreo again, more super-fun, I didnt feel prepared, but a lot more so than yesterday!!! My work lost my cheque, SO i had to wait for money :S Oh well. I hitched a ride with my dad back down to the villes so I could get dressed for STefs welcome home party at glenns house! SLightly low key, but still lotsa fun. Tasha picked me up, and we went for coffee before she and AJ drove me home and than let me fall asleep on them....

Friday Last day of CHoreo, so we worked extra-hard to have it all ready so that when a couple people came in they'd get to see what we'd done. Overall, I found the course extremely valuable. Jenn saw our presentation, and than we went back to her house, and than leapfrogged back to my house via dad. Ont he way AJ called and was all "I'm bored, come love me" and I was like ok, come have mediterrainean dinner with my family and me and jenn! and so it was neat. After TAsha got off work, she came and picked us up and we went to Jenns again. Drank a little, had a few laughs, Jenn and I went to bed SUPER early, like, 12.

Saturday Got up early this day, around 7:30, and laid low for the first part of the day. I got a call from my manager around 11, asking me to come in for graveyard, so that was cool. Tasha, Gareth, Kevin, Brianna and I went to the Czar, and had coffee, I had a mint mocha chip frappucino with no whip. It was pretty good, I'd have it again. Tha Cora called, and we went to see Wedding Crashers!!! It was SOOOOOO good, I would have to give it 4 1/2 stars out of five. It was so much fun, with just the rights amounts of crude humour. :P COra and I went back to my house and had a really lazy evenning. Than at 10:30 My dad drove me to work and her home. SHe got to go to sleep, whereas, I haven't been yet! I'm up to 23 hours though, because I worked for 8 hours. I saw Jeremy, Tasha, AJ and Syd on my 1st break at 12:30, which was awesome, and than I got a really relaxing second break where I read the paper. Weird. I'm such a grown-up.

I want rainbow coloured puddle boots.

The Gypsy Kings are super-awesome.

HOnestly kids, sleep is important. ANd have your ice caps with OPrange juice enstead of milk. Than its an orange mocha frappucino! :P (a la zoolander anyone?)


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What the SEUSS?!?!?!

Seuss is the new swear. I am stealing that Idea from the Crew show and see I'm allowed, cuz I was there while they made it up (again) see, even if I'm not dating Crew, I'm still honourary crew! wOOt! Hey does anybody know if they taped seussical, I miss it now :( Martha and I sang some of it the other day.... I also was thinking about Music Man.... *sigh* WHo is not afraid of a few nice things...

My eyes are too small, I ahve very large feet, and I'm not very proud of my pitiful *TWEET!*

ANyways I'm gunna go have a shower, and listen to something that isnt sucky.... FIne, its sucky.....

Fun times

Try this!! Type your name with your:

Fingers:Mel Barta
Chin: kerl; hrf5t5a
One finger with eyes closed: mel batya
Cheek: jmn 4sxk9 tAZCF z
Elbow: mel basrta
Palm: mel aa
Back of hand: mel mbasrta
Nose: mel barta
Tongue: mel barta (EEEEW)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I started going out with Brady the first time 5 years ago today. It feels like last week in so many ways!

Check, Check, Syphillis, Check

hahah so I'm at Issac's house right now, listening to a band jam... its pretty boring, as theres much more talking than music, which makes sense cuz theyre a pretty new band. Anyways, stuffs been pretty cool lately, I'm taking this Choreography course this week, and I'm really learning a lot, I'm looking forward to taking class in Victoria this year. Just once a week, I'm not sure when, or if I'll be able to afford it for sure.... Update more later *hearts*!

Monday, August 08, 2005


cigarettes and chocolate milk
these are just a couple of my cravings
everything it seems i like's a little bit stronger
a little bit thicker
a little bit harmful for me

if i should buy jellybeans
have to eat them all in just one sitting
everything it seems i like's a little bit sweeter
a little bit fatter
a little bit harmful for me

and then there's those other things
which for several reasons we won't mention
everything about them is a little bit stranger
a little bit harder
a little bit deadly

it isn't very smart
tends to make one part so broken-hearted

sitting here remembering me
always been a shoe made for the city
go ahead, accuse me of just singing about places
with scrappy boys faces
have general run of the town
playing with prodigal songs
takes a lot of sentimental valiums
can't expect the world to be your raggedy andy
while running on empty
you little old doll with a frown

I'm in love with a boy........ and I can't be...

I Like stuff.... you?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

the OC, Camping and working

I watched 27 episodes of the OC
went to denman island
it was neat
I'm eatcing soup
may be burning soon
I should get it
write more later
Thursday is Brianna and Laura day.
I am crazilly excited!
and enjoyed the spelling of crazilly