Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you....

Uneventful..... hung out with Martha, cora, drew, stef and kevin, watched rent.

saw jenn. she is ill. :S

went to dinner with my mommy. she was less crazy, we might go to italy together! If I get a degree in something :P

QUestion of the day (please answer, I am extremely curious.) if there was a song that makes you think of me/describes me or our friendship what would it be?

thinking about what songs remind me of which people:
Brianna - lost together - blue rodeo, flower duet, keane - somewhere only we know
Laura B - loch lomond, ballroom blitz
alleah - short people - randy newman
Jenn - Hide and seek -Imogen heap
Martha - feel good inc. - Gorillaz, la vie boheme - rent, On a slow night - metric, the noose - APC, lateralus - tool
Geoff - Brick - ben Folds five, favourite things - incubus
Cora - Green eyes - coldplay, bonny portmore, Keane - walnut tree
Tasha - nine inch nails - into the void
Rosie - somebody to love
Shane - any incubus song particularly aqueous transmission, army - ben folds, Jimmy eat world - hear you me, unintended - muse, feelin' good - muse
AJ - planet of the Apes - MSI
Barbara - little sister - rufus wainwright
Laura M - smile like you mean it - Killers

If anybody else wants to know theirs, feel welcome to ask!

I am currently: shellshocked from domino
and listenening to: Keane - walnut tree

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Desirable is so last season. Now its all about who's there for you.

On pineapples

Charles Lamb in 1821 warned that the fruit, "too ravishing for mortal taste", "woundeth and excoriateth the lips that approach - like lovers' kisses she biteth".

I'm getting SO excited about Shanes and my trip to California!!!

I am currently: tired, and a little confused
I am listening to: take me or leave me from rent

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Show

I went to the show at the scout hut tonight, because nolan's and Geoff's bands were both playing, and I wanted to support them and stuff.

Overall it was an okay show. The screamer in Nolans band was crappy.

There were two severely awkward moments. Gareth walked into the room, took one look at me, turned around and walked the other way. Several moments later, who should walk in but Jordan! and see, had I known/suspected he was gunna be there, I would have prettied up a little so as to not be the (omg, shes SO much less pretty when I'm sober) girl... But I went over and had an awkward "Hi", knowing that he wouldnt come over to me. He's kinda passive in that sense. Hes sick (sound familiar?) I contest that he gave his cold to me, not the other way around.

It was nice to see Brady again. I love that kid. Hes doin bad shit again though... :S crazy bastard.

I am currently: Itchy
I am Listening to: "apocalypse now" by muse (absolution is an amazing album)


So tuesday, enstead of going to a movie with me, gareth said he didn't want to be friends with me anymore. It hurt. A lot. I'm a terrible girlfriend, but I'm an ok friend I think. I went to Tim Hortons and then went back to shanes for a bit, hung out there watching him fix a computer.

I've been really sick this week, I don't know its just lame. I miss out on stuff :S

Thursday I watched Rent with Nicole, Megan annnnnnnnnnnd...... KATIE P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (all people I see far too little of)

Yesterday i went to Shanes to watch movies with a BUNCH of people, but I went to bed, at like 9:30... (sad I know, but I've been sick) and when I woke up this morning, a whole bunch of people that should be here... like shane, we'rent, and nobodys woken up to tell me whats going on yet... I'm confused.

In better news, I dont have to work till moday!!! I might go to the show at the scout hut tonight, support geoff and such.

I want B2B to tell me if I got in or not!!!!!! I'm totally stressin about it, not that I can do anything, but It'd be really cool if I got in, and I didnt last year... :S

I am currently: anxious. I've been feeling anxiety a lot lately
I am listening to people sleeping, and the barest hints of "La vie Boheme"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

100th Post

I've been trying very hard to think of what i should do for this post.... after a year and a half of posting on my blog, I've gotten (finally) to a hundred. That means an average of a post in every 4 or 5 days... insane or what? particularly considering as I didnt write more then once in the whole time I was in victoria (4 months)

I wanted to do a highlishts thing... but I figure thats been done, and I'm really too lazy.
But since October of 2004, I gotta say, a lot has actually happened to me:
GOndoliers, Bye Bye Birdie, panto, Seussical, choir
Geoff, Gareth, Shane, AJ, Chris, J, Martha, B, Cora, Glenn... I think
Nanaimo, Victoria, Prom, grad, parties, birthdays

Thanks guys. Overall, even with all the drama and heartache, its been a fantastic time <3

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

sh-shake, shake it, feel good

This has been the weirdest weekend. And its shaping up to be a pretty odd week too. What with V-day, a slight head cold, all the complications that go on with me and Gareth on V-day... I mean, I hope its understood now that we're just going to a movie for a good time, as friends? Maybe.

I dont even know all the shit that happened at the Toga Party, but theres a fairly comprehensive list of Down with Love (Up with Lust!) antics on the Failing Blog ... I think I mostly feel bad, about the fact that I don't feel bad, if that makes sense. I did something generally frowned upon by society, and I really couldn't care less. SO what does that tell me about the way I'm fitting into society? not that I have a real need to "fit in" (Obviously), but a functioning member of society would be nice :P

Anyways, Plan for tonight, go to work, (soon, really) when I get off work, Gareth and I are goping to see Narnia, (again) and then taking our respective busses home again.

Wednesday, I think I'll be working an 8 hour (Real shift!) or at least a 7.5 before I have to go to my voice lesson at 5:30. (Theyre going really well, by the way, I think. I've only been taking them for, 4 weeks? and I already can feel an improvement! We're goping to start singing this really gorgeous french next.)
After voice, I'm probably going over to shanes.

Thursday I might work, I'm not sure. But after work I have plans to finally see nicole! I miss her, shes great.

Friday, no set plans as of yet, but I'd like to see Jenn. We don't hang out often enough anymore

Saturday I have a games night that I might go to with my step-mom, and my dad. I'm not sure yet.

*sigh* I know it doesn't sound like a crazy week.... But, well, we'll see I suppose.


How I feel: Sick
WHat I'm listening to: Laura's dog barking; and Feel Good Inc. by the Gorillaz

Monday, February 13, 2006

My California Plans and costs - Boring, just a workpage for me

I posted underneath for actual reading. You guys dont need to read this. However, if I do it this way, I can access it anywhere, and update it whenever. So, for me, not you:

Greyhound Costs and departure times
Vancouver to Anaheim - April 23 9:00 AM - $89 AM= $104 CDN
Anaheim to Indio - April 27 4:55 PM or April 28 7:15 AM - $20 CDN
Indio to Horseshoe Bay - May 1 4:55 PM - $92 CDN

Ferry over and back - $25

Taxis, busses, incidental costs (emergency) - $150

Disneyland from April 25-27 - $119 AM = $140 CDN
HOtel accomadation for the nights of the 24, 25 and 26th - $60 CDN
-Parkside Inn & Suites - Disneyland Resort (inc. Breakfast)

2 day tickets for the Coachella Vally Music Festival - $222 CDN
Camping pass for staying there - $40 CDN

So Far thats $853
not including food and merch....

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Please Pease Please, Let Me Get What I Want

Okay so Friday night, after I got to Shanes, I sat around reading Harry Potter well into the party, chatting with whoever showed up. There werem any fun Party antics, much of which I cant remember, Other then the french girl making $5 off a bet with Kyle that Martha and I wouldnt make out by the end of the night, and then me getting 3, and her getting 2. We seem to be genuine whores now :S
I ended up sleeping at Jenns, cuz she needed to talk about some stuff

Saturday, in the morning we hung out with jenns mom, and Ed. then we went down to Shanes where everyone had already cleaned up, I felt bad, we just kinda hung out for the balance of the day and then in the evening, I got will to drive me to Cora's where Nathan picked us up and we drove to alleahs for the annual Down With Love party! there, also were many evens of amusing drunkenness. I spent some time getting to know Jordan, an aquaintance from a sorta, friend-of-a-friend way... He's a very interesting person. I would enjoy very much getting to know him in a... *ahem* different atmosphere. And context, for that matter. He auditioned for Bard to broadway also, so I guess If I get in, I will see slightly more of him. *nods* I ended up going back to Shanes, geoff kindly consented to drive.

This morning, we slept in very nicely, like 11. Thats intense for me. Shane and I went to Timmys again before Tasha and AJ woke up and he bought me a bagel and tea:D

On a side note, shane and I are going to California at the end of april, to see these bands and go to disneyland for 3 days! I'm SO excited!!!!! (anybody interested in saving $1000 and coming, contact me)

We kinda just fucked around all day, did a whole lotta nothing, then shane drove me home, and martha and I watched strike. MOST AWKWARD THING EVER: we were making out on the couch when my brother and mother walked in. They may not have seen it, because they rang the doorbell as they were walking in, but I think they did. I have never felt so awkward in my life. And martha started babbling. However, before they came in, it was really nice. we stopped at one point, but then Muse's cover of "please please please, let me get what I want" came on, and we just coulnt resist. She and I have such a WEIRD relationship, seriously, one night we make out with each other for money, the next we can be making out with different guys in a hallway, and the next night, we're kissing on the couch. Its just a thing with us. Its cool. She one of those people I hope I will always be friends with. in fact I can see her being a really fun roommate. Lots of fun conversations and plans were chatted about this evening.....

ANywho Im going to go read some more HP.... leave you with an excellent make out song :P (not that I would know)


"On A Slow Night"

True beautiful one
What have you gone and done
I can see all your moves are new
Tell me what did that salesman do to you

That catalogue replaced
The fine mind behind your face
No human trio can compete
When that three way mirror meets your eye

On a slow night
On a slow night

How you would walk the fashion mile
Hand me down and call it style
Your boots were scratchy black
Your hat was just a hat
The lips on you were plain
The better to a kiss sustain

On a slow night
On a slow night

You Pray To Stars That Can Help You Get By

SO this week.... Monday I worked... and hung out at Shanes in the evening - something new :P

Tuesday, I finished work early and then went to Gabriola Island to watch this AMAZING gospelly folky singer from Texas named Ruthie Foster. All thanks to Laura and her mom, who not only paid for my ticket, but also for my dinner. I had this aweosme goat cheese veggi burger. Stayed at Lauras, which was awesome, as always. sung the guys part of "hold me rock me" which is like below the bottom of my range :P

Wednesday I had the day off so I just fucked around all day and then went to my voice lesson at 5:30 then I was supposed to hnga out with brianna but I went to Shane's and then Brianna called and wa slike " my mothers crazy, I cant hang out". I was sad. :P

Thursday I worked all day then was supposed to hang out with Nicole, but she forgot so I went to the CZar with Martha, brianna, Gareth, Connor, Cora, stef... and other people? we chatted it up :P

Friday was the toga party, so after work I took alllll my shit, and went over to Shanes. The post about friday and saturday will be the next post.


The Grace

In better days I've been known to listen
I go to waste all my time is missing

I'm mapping out my ending,
it's never gonna happen now
These things are condescending
with everybody backing down

You pray to stars that can help you get by
And all at once you forget to try

I'd go there if you let me,
they're never gonna find me now
My life is always empty
and in and out of doubt

Your not coming back for me, these things they will never be
I'm so used to being wrong, so put me where I belong

I'll get back to you,
God knows I try,
but I still lose
And I get back to you,
these days run by,
but I still lose

Angels say they can make you suffer
They give and take like a vicious lover

When all this loses meaning,
You'll never want it back somehow
Awake but still I'm dreaming
And never waking up

Alone...Where I'm not alone

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Fall at Your Feet

I feel really taken advantage of. I try really hard to be a good friend, In fact, thats probably my primary aim.

So when I call some people and I ask, if our plans are still on, they say yeah, and then two hours later they show up at my work saying that because they are going SNowboarding the next day, we should postpone it. WHich is fine, (even though I wish I was asked to go too, but thats totally different, my issues, not theirs) but I planned my week around that, when people asked when I was free, I didnt say saturday. But still, c'est la vie. AND THEN to add insult to injury, Today I left work at 3:30 - So I could take the bus home by 5:30 so I could HAng out with Goeff. SO I showered, and made dinner, rush rush rush, and 5:45 rolls by, 6:00, 6:15, 6:30. Fucker, I was so mad. I called, and he was like, "yeah sorry, I forgot, and now I have band practice, blah blah blah"... God, I'm so frustrated. I seems like I don't matter to any of them half as much as they matter to me.

ANother issue, when I started to think about that, I realized, I still dont have my christmas present from dan. I mean, I would like a note, scribbled on lined paper, " I think you're neat, merry christmas, heres a song I wrote, luv, Dan" I'm not asking for much, Just a "hey I awknowledge people other then my girlfriend" would be cool. I mean, I guess I'm exaggerating, cuz I've talked to him at least twice on MSN since I got home, and once, (wonder of wonders) he called me :P

ANyways. I just love my people so much, I get cought up in their shit too easily. My bad... That, and Work is literally the MOST boring thing I've ever done. unpacking shoes for 8 hours a day? least stimulating thing I've ever done. The most exciting part of my day is when my phone (on vibrate) rings :P

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Update on Life since wednesday

O tayy, so wednesday night, the one acts were wayyy better then on MOnday, "Jack's pants" was hilarious, and "the line that picked up 1,000 Babes", was awesome as well, geoff is SUCH a cute drunk! (even Mr. A Says so!) "Deliver us not" was a very different take, and in my opinion, slightly more enjoyable then when dover did it, (I loved it when the one had kinked his cord, and is licking the leaves of the plant!) But they both had their ups and downs.

Thursday I went to work late (as in: called in and said, I'm going to be coming at 1, not nine) and only worked untill 6, because I had to catch my bus from woodgrove at 6:15. I made sex in a pan, watched the OC and went in the hot tub with martha. it was a grand ole' time, and totally 100% non-sexual! see, I knew it was possible, a totally not-sexual object :P:P:P

Yesterday I worked 8 hours (Because we got a HUGE shipment on Wednesday) and then went to this celtic show with my dad. It was good, but the highlight was seeing Kelsey!!! and the brownies, man, were they ever good!

I was really frustrated because I called Ahley and jenn before the show to see if they wanted to do something after and they were like yeah call ashley's cell, but when I called there was no answer,. and they never called me back. It really pissed me off, and I never get to see just jenn, alone anymore, which is what I really wanted to do yesterday. ANyways I get to see them all together, tonight, so I suppose I'll take what I have to.

<3 to everyone

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My past life, according to tickle

Melody, you're a Monkey!
Don't go bananas — in your former life you were a tiny monkey named Oompa. Here's what we know about you: Adorably sweet demeanor and sharp as a tack, you found success working with a street performer named Juan, who worshipped you and treated you like his own child. He bought you a gold satin jumpsuit with royal blue ruffles, a matching top hat, and a sequined bag for donations. He would play your favorite disco tunes on his accordion, prompting you to dance around and flirt with the crowd while you collected spare change and picked pockets. Everybody loved you. And you loved everybody. You and Juan took your gig around the country and raked in the riches. You were one happy little monkey.


My life consists mostly of working and hanging out at Shanes these days. Last night Ashley, Jenn and I slept at Shanes house. I feel so bad because I know he doesnt get as good a sleep when he's got people over. But I also know hes very pleased thta people like to hang out at his house, Because he never goes anywhere interesting, its the only time he gets to see anyone.

I'm going back to the One Acts at Mal tonight, which should be fun. I have my voice lesson and then I'm going straight there, hopefully shane will pick me up *fingers crossed*. I went to the one ac ts on Monday. They were great fun, particularly "Jack's Pants", which was just so funny. I felt awkward sitting in front of my dad while it was on though :S I was like, praying shane wouldnt turn around and say something about this weekend, because in the play they were somking weed....

Thursday, Im hanging out with Martha, Friday Im going to this celtic show with my dad (where I hope to see Kelsey!) Saturday day Im hanging out with Geoff, if I dont have to work, Saturday night is a girls night with the poeple Im moving in with, and so far sunday is free, If Im not working. Next week I intend on buying 4 pairs of shoes on payday :P I have the cutest shoes picked out for Down With Love!!!!!

ANyways I have to go get ready for work. COmments are neat!