Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


SO I spent the ENTIRE day today, and I mean from when I woke up in the morning, till like 6:30 at night, packing up all the stuff that wasn't already packed up to move to victoria tomorrow, well, later today really :P Geoff came over sometime in the early afternoon, and helped a TON! we did take a break, I lied, walked someplace, did some things.
Then I had dinner with the extended family (vicki's), theyre so sweet.
Met Jenn for coffe, felt like old times :)
Visited with mom.... was better then usual, she surprised me with free money :) that was unusual, and a very nice surprise.
I am making copies of all the CDs that are ripped onto the computer, so That I have them when I move to victoria :)

I like my music, okay!

apparently spencer myers met tool. jeleous am I! *woes!*

Monday, August 28, 2006

I move to victoria the day after tomorrow!!!!!

I'll miss some people and not miss others at all. surpising people too....

Went to Kevin, stef, Megan and nicoles thing tonight, it was.... of mixed emotions.

Going to see Metric on Sunday. Laura M., Alana, Martha, Ashley are coming tooo, and they'll get to see my new apartment! which I'm pretty excited about. I'm hoping it'll be really sweeeet.

~25 wives in the lake tonight, raw bark in the water of the marble shrine, 25 snakes pour out your eyes, yeah the icepicks cumming on the marble shrine.
~Lava lamps and glowy things everywhere
~Posters of bands and other sweet things!
~all my other posters
~pictures of friends
~christmas ornaments :)

I'm on my knees begging you to sweep me to my feet

Hear you me

The finger of blame has turned back on itself,
and I'm more than willing to offer myself,
do you want my presence or need my help?
who knows where that might lead.
I fall at your feet.

It's wayyyy too applicable

Now that I finally have that glimmer of a possiblity of a future, I am moving to a place where I won't run into him at parties or on busses, we won't be in the same place at the same time, he doesn't work in the mall with me, and becasue I'm not on his msn, and we don't e-mail, or talk on the phone.... I will never come into contact with him.

I am sooooo emo. Really this isnt the way I am all the tyime. yesterday I hung out with Laura and her mom ALLLLLL day. Thatw as awesome. today I'm hanging out with Nicole, Brady, ashley then going to a party at Kevins. Then going home and starting to pack. I dont wanna pack, its so much work. Thank goodness most of my stuff Is already in boxes :) Then comes the unpacking and the decorating, and the melding of my stuff with his. I cant forget to go get my pants from AJs and my boxes from Lauras.

I have a bad cold. Im snorty and sniffly all the time.

I have to go get dressed to hang out with nicoleo!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I have nothing to post

Getting excited to move..... Getting really excited for metric. SPencer myers apparently met tool. I am now jeleous like nobodys business.

I housesat at Lauras house till she got back from England, but it was really nice to see her again!!! I got a shirt from les mis :)

Add up the things you've done.Scale of $1-$5, depending on how many times:
$0- never
$1- once
$2- 1-5 times
$3- 6-10 times
$4- 10-20 times
$5- 20+ times

had sex-- $4
only went to first base-- $5
smoked-- $5
got drunk-- $5
went skinny dipping-- $0 weird hey
kissed someone of the opposite sex-- $5
had more than one bf/gf at the same time-- $0
fell asleep in class-- $3
cheated on a quiz-- $3
been expelled-- $0
been in a fist fight-- $1
stole something-- $4
done drugs-- $5
dyed your hair-- $5
done something with someone older-- $3
cried yourself to sleep-- $5
said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $0
been in love-- $2
got arrested-- $0
madeout with someone at the movies-- $0
played spin the bottle-- $5
"borrowed" something from a friend, not intending to give it back--$0
skipped school--$5
had a naughty dream--$2
bitten someone--$5
created a sex cd--$2
seduced someone, intentionally--$2
gave oral--$3
recieved oral--$3

$81 :) I'm innocent :D

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Victoria and TOOL

So on Saturday I think it was, I had the day off, so I got up at 7:30 and met Jordan Davies at Bocca so that we could drive down to victoria! we stopped for gas and were on our way! we did NOT get into any accidents! almost, but not quite! Took nice turns choosing music and therefore I was shown Snow Patrol!!! awesome band, I gotta say. I met Arlen, my Victoria roommate and discovered that I had to get a second job down there to pay my expenses and save for Coachella. Jordan introduced me to a couple people he knows down there, which is kinda nice so I have some connections down there now. :) Sunday and Monday were mostly devoted to work, and errands. Hung out with Chris S. on Sunday night, watched some Gilmore Girls.

Tuesday morning I woke up BEFORE my alarm went off and got picked up by Martha just after nine. We picked up Gareth and caught the 10:00 ferry accross to see TOOL!!!! The ferry ride, the day, and the afternoon were all pleasant, full of conversation (BY EVERYONE!) We left to go to the GM place around 3, 3:15 and we did some stuff at metrotown and downtown on the way. waited FOREVER for the show to get goin. My seats were 16th row on the floor, Glenn traded me for my 33'd row seats :) I was with Rick, Chris, and Spencer. AFter the so-so first band, isis, There was a FOREVER intermission, at which time I ran up to borrow Martha's cell phone So I could call nikita cuz my phone was out of batteries and she was promised a call during SOber. The show was AMAZING. They opened with stinkfist *drool* other highlights included, SCHISM (My favourite song!), sober, the Pot (PS, there was SO much pot...), 46&2, Lateralus and they did an encore of Pushit, which was AMAZING!!!!! amazing. Just amazing. Chris lifted me up so I could see a couple times, :) cuz they wouldnt let me be standing on my chair :( and he switched me places cuz the guy in front of me was too tall... very thoughtful.

Today we woke up in a haze, missed skytrains, busses and ferries untill we got home around 5. Hopefully the ceasefire will be a permanent one. It was so familiar. and nice. I really missed him. I mean, I know it was partly for Martha and shane, which is super considerate, but... I hope it holds. it was a good thing.

Friday, August 18, 2006

I was thinking about budgeting and thinking about if its worth it to go back to coachella.... so I went to the website to remind myself.... and yeah. its worth it. I'm saving my ass off. In the meantime, here are some pictures I found :)

This is the sunset on the first night at coachella. I'm in that crowd somewhere!

This is what anyone I saw on sunday would have seen. I'm at the front of this crowd but you cant see me :(

I'm nowhere near cool enough to have done this. But I saw the picture, and it made me crazy! I want to go back soooooooooooo insanely bad.

Metric at coachella

I miss coachella

Head Automatica At coachella... see that hand pointing on the bottom left corner? Thats shanes hand. I'm to his left.

This was so great, the tent where we saw metric, etc.

My ticket looks just like this....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My life as a musical:


(I know everyone else did this forever ago.... but I dont think I did, and now Im curious)

So heres how it works:
Open your choice of music player [iTunes, Limewire, Kazaa, ect.] and put it on shuffle. Press play. For every question type the song thats on. And when you go to a new question press the next button. No cheating. Ready?GO!

Opening credit: Raindrop - The raindeer section

Waking up: O.Lover - Jason Mraz

Average day: Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin' Daddies

First Date: Movie theme (gone with the wind) - The Boston Pops

Falling in love: Seussical - Alone in the universe

Fight scene: Cell Block tango - CHicago

Breaking up: Eric clapton - Cocaine (this is a weird life movie!!!)

Getting back together: mission Impossible - swingle singers

Secret love: physical sex - the darkness (ahahahahaha)

Life's okay: Island in the sun - Weezer

Mental breakdown: closer - NIN

Driving: Never give up on the good times - Spice girls

Learning a lesson: White FLag - Dido

Deep thought: I'm not that girl - WIcked, the musical

Flashback: In Bloom - Nirvana (yeah I'm flashing back to my cocaine breakup)

Partying: Ready to Roll - FLashlight brown

Happy dance: MOster hospital - metric

Regretting: Super massive Black Hole - Muse

Long night alone: Zombie - The Cranberries

Death scene: Adams song - Blink 182 (great, I commit suicide at the end of my life movie :S)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Shanes visit and awkward times

On Monday I woke up, got a ride to downtown and found elina! she and I hung out forever and then shane called and said he'd meet me at acme in a couple minutes. So we moseyed on over there and shane bought me birthday lunch :) we went to the mall and found some stuff then I hung out with ashley and we saw LAURA since she just got back from europe, then we met a buncha people at timmys and surprised people with shane, then we had some fun and I went to stay at Barbara and Briannas house.

Tuesday I worked lots and then went to tideys house.... sucked. Lots of reasons. SHane drove me home

This morning, worked lots then geoff picked me up to go to AMbers Picnic, which was AWESOME!!! actually had tons of fun :) Met kaitlen, she seems nice. anywho, sleep is good.

*lights will guide you home*

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Now I can announce it to the world!!!!!! I'm goin to METRIC!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its Marthas birthday present from me. totally early, and she wasnt supposed to get one after her half birthday, but 'tis irresistable :D too perfect:D I'm ridiculously excited..... I wonder if they'll play torture me if I ask really nicely :D or on a slow night.... ;) ahhahaha

Also I MIGHT be going to tool, like 78% chance, its spencers ticket but he might not be able to go, and I dont find out till shane lets me know :D I miss shane so much... I wanna see him reallly soon....:D I saw a guy who looked like him the other day... Hes bringing me a copy of "Grow Up and Blow Away"

OH! I went to phantom!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing!!!! I just swooned during music of the night when he was all like touchy *drool* and everyone was good except meg. The woman who played madame giry was AMAZING! The sets were beautiful and the props were incredible. during this one scene christines shoe got caught in her dress, but she recovered really well! me and my mom had like 5 fights though, which totally sucked. Watched that antonio bandaras teaches street children to dance movie though, it was awesome. I wanna see that other dance movie that just came out! I can tell from the previews its inspiring! lol

*hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly*

Friday, August 11, 2006

The guessing game, (stolen from geoff)

1. Open your current playlist and put it on shuffle.
2. Write down your favorite line from each of the songs.
3. Let your friends list guess the song title and artist without looking it up anywhere.

1. Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking but my smile still stays on.
The Show must go on - Queen - Martha (I was actually listening to the one from moulin rouge, but same diff...
2.She may not walk the walk, and she may not like to talk, But boy she sure knows how to rock, shes nubs!
3.That's when you stu-stu-stutter something profound, To the support on the line, And with the way you've been talking, Every word gets you a step closer to hell.
Nails for breakfast tacks for snacks - Panic! at the disco - Martha
4. and when you come and all the flowers are dying, when I am dead as dead I well may be, you'll come and find a place where I am lying, and kneel and say an ave there for me.
Danny boy/Londonderry Air - wow, alana got this one, I'm impressed
5.In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone to far. Pictures came and broke your heart, put the blame on VTR.
Video killed the radio star - The buggles - Martha and Jordan
6. Hope you remember me When you’re homesick and need a change I miss you’re purple hair I miss the way you taste I know you’ll come back some day On a bed of nails I wait I’m praying that you don’t burn out Or fade away.
SOmewhere out there - OLP - good try barbara, but Geoff and jordan got it)
7. If you want more of this We can push out, sell out, die out So you'll shut up And stay sleeping With my screaming in your itching ears
ALana was wrong!!!!
8. All around me are familiar places, worn out places worn out faces, bright and early for the daily races, going nowhere going nowehere.
Mad world - Gary Jules - Martha again, shes good.
9. Dear mother, Can you hear me laughing It's been six whole months since Since that I have left your home It makes me wonder why I'm still here For some strange reason it's now Feeling like my home
Welcome to Paradise - Green day - Jordan. wow you can sure tell who listens to what hey?
10. OIly Marks appear on walls where pleasure moments hung before, the takeover the sweeping insensitivity, of this still lifeHide and seek - Imogen Heap - Martha
11. (LOL) Now's the time for you to let go of All your inhibitions We can do this one more time With a little Tease and conversation
Feel It - Jakolope (I knew Martha would get this one)
12. Get back in town I wanna paint it black Wanna get around Easy living crowd so flat Said it all before They try to kick it, their feet fall asleep I want to be wrong but No one here wants to fight me like you do
Combat Baby - Metric - Martha :D
13. Tell me this feelin'll last till forever Tell me the bad times are clean washed away Please understand that it's still strange and fright'nin' For losers like I've been it's so hard to say...
Suddenly seymour - Little shop of horrors - good job alana!!!
14. A walk in the woods and I will try Something under the trees that made you cry It's so erotic when your make up runs
Blackest eyes - Porcupine tree - Alana didnt get the artist, but hella close enough
15. I will hold you close, If your afraid of heights I need you to see this place, It might be the only way That I can show you how, it feels to be inside of you
Stellar - Incubus, Barbara, it doesnt count if you dont know what its called, jordan gets this one too.
16. The finger of blame has turned upon itself And Im more than willing to offer myself Do you want my presence or need my help Who knows where that might lead... I fall
Fall at your feet - Jesse cook, and some other people. - Geoff
17. Birds in the sky you know how I feel, sun in the sky you know how I feel, breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel, its a new dawn its new day its a new life for me.
Feelin' Good - Micheal buble, muse or nina simone (Nobody ever remembers poor nina. she was so good though!!!!) - Martha, Geoff, Jordan
18. You're just like an angel Your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beautiful world.
Creep - radiohead - Jordan and geoff *sigh* I love that song
19. And if you were with me tonight, I'd sing to you just one more time. A song for a heart so big, god wouldn't let it live.
Hear you me - Jimmy eat world - Jordan
20. You push me up against the wall, youg kentucky girl in a push up Bra, Fallin' all over myself To lick your heart and taste your health
Scar Tissue - RHCP - Martha, Geoff, Jordan

Theyre easy. you guys should get them. I'm so mainstream :P:P:P

Monday, August 07, 2006

And as she rocked him she sang, "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"

To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I (don't) think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, Utopian dream.

You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?

I see your picture.
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone (a Hundred and seventy-something) days,
But already I'm wasting away.
I (hope) I'll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you

Incubus is always so perfect to express how I'm feeling. I don't want to move away without him. This is torture. I went on a date(?) on Monday (last monday, that is) and all I could think about was how "he wouldnt have done that", and "if I was with him we wouldn't be wasting our time talking about this". 7 whole words. Its a start anyways? Or hes thinking about it (speaking to me) as a drunken mistake. HOw am I to know? I saw him in the hallways at the mall and I just couldn't make eye contact. He has to do it or else I don't know what I'll do. If I look at him I don't want to see what hes feeling. Because I see hate and I see anger and I see hurt, but hardest of all, I imagine I still see love. and I hope to god I don't imagine it. I'm really not obsessive, it just gets to me, y'know? bleh....

The cast party was... interesting. lots of drama from where I was sitting. Cuiran got drunk (tideys doing, or so I hear) and now cora's in BIGGGGG trouble. :( MOnday I worked and had my date, tuesday I went out for lunch with my mom then stayed at Niki's house, which was actually awesome, we had french toast and talked about the musicals and stuff. listened to lee play some music, which was really nice, I almost cried when he played "song for a girl" I think it was called... It hit me really poignantly. Wednesday I woke up in time to hang out with niki for awehile before work... I may have gone home on wednesday night, it doesnt seem likely, but hey, anythings possible. Thurday I dont remember what I did. Thats sad. Friday there was a party at Brianna and Barbaras house, (toga toga toga....) and I stayed at coras and discussed things... Saturday I worked then hung out with ashley and Jenn B. we went to Timmies and played and entire game of crazy 8 countdown.... it was insanity!!! then we went to Tideys and hung out for a bit, saw AJ, his new tattoo looks amazing. I really miss that kid. since he moved away from victoria we havent been close, but I havent even seen him in weeks and weeks. Geoff drove me home after we hung out in timmies FOREVER! we saw scott kidd and talked with him for awhile, that was neat, hes a cool guy for the most part. geoff drove me home, and there were mno blankets on my bed. I was mad, and slept cold. SUnday morning I woke up at 8:20 to leave for work at 8:30, which I did, walking to work is bunk, but I was playing this addictive card game that barbara taught me. its awesome, 'cept so frustrating. its a solatary game, and I havent won one yet!!!! I worked for 8 hours and then hafter going out to dinner with some coworkers, went to barbara and briannas again for a porch campout with them, ryan and alleah. it was low key fun with lots of the obligitory sex talk that happens when you get alleah in a room with pretty much anybody..... and so that my update thus far. Tomorrow, which is really today, I am going to Victoria to hang out with my future roomie and maybe see our new place. I honestly dont feel like I'm running away from my problems. I look forward to at least 8 months or so in Vic and I think it'll be really good all round. I also plan to save for coachella. cuz I'm desperate to go, again. I work on tuesday and then I leave for the ferry to Vancouver, I'm going to see phantom of the opera with my mother on wednesday, which I am unbeliveably excited for. we're seventh row!!!

I put in my last day of work for the 27th of this month. *sigh* I hope I'm making the right decision.

I really wanna talk to him before I go though.... I miss him so much.