Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Final California Post.

Sunday after waiting In line for about an hour they opened the gates and I walked over to where the Mojave tent was. but there was this yellow tape around it. I was confused. but then my ears picked up. Madonna was doing her sound check. I was surrounded by flamboyantly and demonstrativly gay men.], all screaming and flapping about Madonna. WHen they finally opened the "gates" I was run down. almost trampled. "MADONNNAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was scary.
SO I squirmed my way to the front of the crowd, and waited. Fineally the first band, One Republic came on. They were kinda blah, but the bassist was left handed and really cute. The next band was Be Your Own Pet. They blew me away, they just had so much energy. Not my style of music by any means, but really fun nonetheless. The Dears, a cool canadian Band played next, and their keyboardist looked like tasha's mom. James Blunt played next. He wasn't that good live. Kinda boring. and all these little girls, and moms who were trying to be hot were screaming. it just annoyed me. I guess that made it worse, he really wasn't all that bad :P
After James Blunt, lots of STUPID people left, and I was SO in the middle of the front for Metric. SHane somehow squished his way up there too, and we have more pictuires of emily haines then anything else ever. SHes just sooooo damn sexy. They played "Succexy", "dead disco", "hustle rose", "On a slow night" (I wanted to call martha so badly), "Poster of a girl", "live it out", and "Monster hospital". *drool*. During dead disco, the bass had some technical difficulties, and It was so funy watching him freak our on stage. (Im so mean). Emily haines is a goddess. wow. They were awesome live. Just awesome. theres nothing more that i can say. SO SO AWESOME!!!!!!!
Wolf Parade, Stellastarr* and The Editors all played next. They were fine. not amazing, but fine. nothing that truely stuck out to me. Except for that crazy girl. SO this girl whos smashed out of her tree, comes up behind me during one of these bands and asks if she can pay me $20 for the front spot. after a little tinkering I say sure, and we switch (just for this band) and then, she passes out on the rail at the front. a security guard wakes her up, and wants to pull her out but she says no... a couple of songs later, she pees herself. yeah. I said it. SHE PEED! so they finally took her out of there, washed off the pee, put newspapers and towels down and then thjings went on as normal. By the time we got to Coheed and Cambria, the tent was PACKED again, so much that I had those clasic rail bruises, from being pushed forward. I got kicked in the head by at least 5 crowd surfers, and it was great :) They put on a really sweet show.
AFter that the whole tent emptied. I went to use the washrooms (GROSS!!!) and wait to see what I could see of tool. I could have waited in the sun all day to get a closer view, but I love metric wayyyy too much for that. SO what does a smart girl like me do? sneak on top of the vip tent. yeah, thats right, I saw tool from the same general place that the camera was filming them from. and they were great too :) I was blown away by how good they were live. after hearing bands that sound good on an album play less well live all day, I was sooooooo impressed with tool. They played all my favourites, Lateralus, Sober, Schism, 46&2, lots more. they were playing till well after 12:30, when they were only supposed to be on till midnight. they played maybe 4 or 5 songs from their new album. and maynard said " so... our new album comes out tomorrow, but you fuckers downloaded it already... *we all sheepishly laugh* but go out and buy the album anyways, cuz I need another huge gold nugget the shape of a piece of popcorn, so when I punch someone there can be the imprint of popcorn in their face." he was really funny. after their final song we all herded back to the campsite, wading through piles of waterbottles (you know I bought 4 each day there?) and met some great guys from Canada. We made a camp, (All other nations accepted, except Toronto!) and when I finally crashed, they looked sad :P
In the morning, Shane and I got rides from some of our campmates back to Indio, and we all went out to lunch together at some place..... I can't remember the name
They dropped us off at the BUs station, and we settled in for a long boring wait. not so!!! We met these three guys, Ben, Brandon and Jason They were awesome. Particularly Jason.... Hes so cute. we spent a buncha hours. hes been busy/distant since, but I dont care, we had an awesome afternoon together. One of the highlights of my whole trip :)

We got back into Vancouver at 4:45 in the morning (the borders were hella not as busy then!) then got some coffee, took two busses and a ferry to get back home where my mother met us and took us out for breakfast, then we went home and got some well needed rest.

And thats the end of my California Trip. I may condense all these posts into one evntually. But not now.

Overall, It was awesome. Shane is a great travelling person, and were I able to do it all over again, I would make sure we didnt walk around that field so many times.

Stolen from Laura

9 lasts.
last place you were: Laura's House.
last cigarette: This afternoon
last beverage: Black currant Tea. Im drinking it now.
kiss: ahahahahaha.... cheek kiss, martha. Otherwise, I dont rightly know. Jordan?
last movie seen: The Producers
last phone call: I cant remember the last person who called me. Probably my mother
last cd played: A mix CD I made, Stock mix #1
last bubble bath: Well I had a bath yesterday, bu the only bubbles were from my shampoo.
last time you cried: Yesterday.

have you evers.
have you ever dated someone twice: yes
have you ever been cheated on: humm... I dont think so.
have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Oh yes.
have you ever fallen in love: Yes
have you ever made out in the woods: yup.
have you ever been depressed: Doubtlessly.
have you ever been drunk and thrown up: Ohhhh yeah.

8 states you've been to:
1. Washington
2. California
3. Oregon

6 things you've done today.
1. Got awake
2. gargled throat stuff
3. Went to work
4. Complained
5. Went to the Park with Laura
6. Watched CSI

5 favorite things.
1. Being on Stage/Performing
2. Friends
3. Travelling
4. That new crush feeling.
5. Music and Rhythm
(Mine are all the same as lauras, cept #3 :()

4 people you can tell pretty much anything to. (in no particular order)
1. Martha
2. Laura M
3. Jenn
4. Laura B

3 favorite colors.
1. Blue
2. Black
3. Purple

2 things you want to do before you die.
1. Get paid to do what I love
2. Travel the World

1 regret:
Anything I've ever done to cause pain to those I love, intentionally or unintentionally.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Enough is enough

At least I can know I tried. It has been a hundred days, since we last spoke, in a real conversation. And yes, I have counted. I am sorry for trying to fix it. I know that wasn't what you wanted me to do. And I won't do it again. I had to try. Because it breaks me every time I see you and you turn away. I need you to know I have been making changes, and am continuing to do so. I dont know, and don't care if it helps, with us. I dont know if anything ever will. I hope for the best. But this is a long time. and as far as I know it will never get better. I have cared about you since the moment I saw you, and will continue to do so, even though you loathe me.

a hundred days is a very very long time.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Itunes survey

Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following.

Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrassing it is.

How many songs? 1007
Sort by artist First artist: (acoustic) Rise against, but thats an error, so 3
Last Artist: Zero 7
Sort by song title First Song: 100,000 Fireflies - Magentic fields Last Song: Zoot suit Riot
Sort by time Shortest Song: Black Flag - Wasted (:51) Longest Song: Harry Potter and the Half blood prince Audiobook (18:33:30)
Sort by album First Album: (Last night we were) The Delic - hawksley workman Last Album: Your favouirte weapon - brand new
How many songs come up when you search for "sex" - 3
How many songs come up when you search for "death"? - 5
How many songs come up when you search for "love"? - 52

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ways of controlling your emotions

How do you guys keep calm? Sometimes I think I should be on serious medication. I almost put my fist through a wall, or cut up some clothing-covered area of my body today, because I haven't learned positive ways of dealing with my emotions. Maybe I should take up running. That would just be another self-pain thing though, because of the arthritis. Its like cutting but with more permanent damage.

haha. sortof.

Any suggestions?

California Part 3 (Gad, I've been back forever, this is just frustrating)

Ok, so Last time we left it at Friday Morning when we just got to the Campsite. After we walked all the way accross the field to our campspot and set up, Shane and I set off to explore. And by the time we got back, all the other campers for our site had gotten there! We had a newly married couple from Tokyo, Some stoner kids from New Mexico and a bunch of guys from Oregon. We never really saw the people from Tokyo, But the other ones we all partied together. Which brings me to my next point. Friday afternoon! We got pretty damn stoned and I went and slept in the shade tent after a cold shower with all my clothes on. I was still too hot to function. After my nap, We chatted awhile and then went to bed. Saturday morning I woke up SOOOO excited. I went and bought a rediculously expensive breafast, Entirely composed of a lemonade, checked my e-mail, won some headphones :D:D:D Then I went to sit over in the lineup for the show. I went to buy some waterbottles because it was already too hot to function. The doors opened at 11:00 and we all walked... or ran into this HUGE! field with 5 big stages. I ran to the one in the far corner and stood at the front of the audience for Head Automatica. They played Beating Hearts Baby, I Shot William H Macy, At the speed of a Yellow bullet, The razor... and some other ones. I got a lot of really good picures.
Next I went to a diferent outdoor stage and saw the end of the Section Quartet. They played Muse - Time is running out, some Tool, Radiohead, other stuff. thay were amazing. Next was The New Amsterdams - Crap. Then The Walkmen played. Boring, I thought. Next the Duke Spirit - I was kinda ambivilent to them. Their bass player had a broken arm though, and I'm sure I have much more respect. The show must Go On, after all :P They were pretty cool, and the girl singer was pretty good. It just wasn't my style. plus it was too hot to think. The COmmon played. he was awesome. One of the best rappers I've heard in a long time. And I liked his politics. He said some stuff about george bush. I approved :P Then we saw Kanye West, and the only thing good about that was "goldigger" haha. Next Sigur Ros played. They were amazing. But not as amazing as I had expected. I had really high expectations, and they simply were not met. Then Franz Ferdinand played and they were amazing. Just awesome. like I have no words. It was amazing. After Franz, I decided to go back to the tent so I would miss the huge rush of crowds, and plus I wasn't so interested in staying for depeche Mode or Daft Punk. BIG MISTAKE. apparently, Daft Punk was most peoples surprise highlight. I am so dissipointed I missed them. The again, I was so tired, and heat-sick, I probably wouldnt have enjoyed it the same way as others did. But I got to sleep EARLY, and felt awesome (well not as shitty as everyone else) when the sun woke us up super early the next morning.

I felt the need to buy a blended Chai the next morning ($6 american!!!!) but its the only thing someone who doesn't have a cooler at Coachella eats, other then the stale bagel Shane bought. anyways, sunday I got smart, I brought out my sarong, got the guy to dip it in ice water, and wrapped around myself :D

K, I need to go, so I'll make a part 4, all about the bands I saw on SUnday, and the way home.

Friday, May 19, 2006

California Part 2

So we left our heros in The Lair (Otherwise known as the San Bernadino Bus station). hah, we got on the bus there at 9:00, and slept right through Palm Springs. Because the bus driver is the stupidest person EVER he figured that because people were sleeping, he would announce the stations really quitly so nobody would wake up. we need to wake up to get off the bus! so shane and I are waking up just as we pull into the Indio Bus station thank gad, and so we drag ourselves off the bus in that awful half-sleeping daze. It was so hot, even at night we were really REALLY warm. We have walked a couple of blocks before we stopped and realize were in a strange city with NO IDEA where we're going or where we're even staying. We looked around for a dennys and only saw scary dark allys and Bail Bond Shops. At least 4 of them, I swear. so we see the first guy like 15 minutes after we get off the bus, and hes all big and mean looking and scary. SO crazy that I am I go up to him and ask "Excuse me, Do you know if theres a Denny's or any other 24 hour place around here?" he just grunted and pointed:S it was scary. but we walked untill we couldnt walk any more and then we saw the GOLDEN DENNYS SIGN!!!!

We went into this restaurant and sat down with all our stuff, order an omlette and start chatting with the waitresses about coachella. shes really friendly and after awhile shes like well, I'm off in 15 minutes, do you guys want a ride to the festival area?and we were totally stoked and said yeah for sure, so she drove us what would have taken at least and hour with all our stuff. she dropped us off where we asked nearest to the lights. so we sat down there for a bit and saw a security guard in a big open, empty field so we asked if we could camp there. Of course, he said no, even when I was like we just have a little tent and we'll set up in the VERRRRY back.... it was still no. but he told us we could walk to the security tent on the other side and they would tell us where to camp. SO we walked. forever. like at least 50 minutes, int he HOT night with 70 pounds of stuff on my back. SO we met this REALLY crazy security guard woman, and she was swearing her little hispanic head off about her boss. And she said that we could stay on the side of the road. so thats what we did. we walked a little bit further up the road, and then set up Camp. there are pistures. In the morning (and I mean morning, like 5:30) SHane woke me up and after he went to ask for directions we headed off, back the way we came. So we walk, It hot by now, and we walk and we walk and this is all familiar, and my feet are slipping in the sand, and ITS HOT did I mention it was hot? and then we have been going for about an hour and Shane says.... "I think we went the wrong way" So I picked a Lemon off the tree, and smelled it at every break we took (One every 15 minutes or so, it was hot ok?!) and we were all the way back to where we spent the night and we faound the same security lady and we told her what happened and she got a little golf cart to come and pick us up and drive us there! (to the entrance of the campground) it was awesome, sitting, while ground moved below me. I'm so not cut out for the Army. I'd die during basic training. Either that or they'd realize I'm opposed to fighting for your country, and kick me out anyways :P

Update post

Okay so whats new...
Last week I went to "Stick it" with Laura. It was awesome, I had such a good time.
I also went for a walk with chris which turned very... high. :P
Then there was a Party at Jordan Tidey's for his going away to Quebec for the summer... it was alright I suppose. I really miss being good with all my friends. Tasha, Gareth, Dan. But Dan was on his way out, and I asked him if we could talk, and he said not right then, but we could. It may or may not be the "Okay I never want to see you again" talk (That one's getting familiar) But all I can do is cross my fingers its not. A couple of times Gareth and I passed each other. once we actually bumped into each other. It sucks. I wish there was something I could do, but honestly I've done all I believe I can. I can't believe what I did was worse then what Martha did (no offence hun) and he and I have been friends wayy longer.

***Its one of the things I wish on stars for***

Saturday, we had a picnic!!! I brought fruit, and there was sandwiches and drinks and sex in a pan, down at the Bowen Park creek thing. It was awesome, we had a really great time.

On monday Alyssa and Chelsea came up to visit me from victoria, it was really nice, we went to Pirate Chips. I went to a Barbecue on Tuesday for Michelle's birthday
Saw Brady on Wednesday Night. jenn ditched me all day thursday, and I watched the OC season Finale (OMG! I cried) that I won't give away so people don't read inadvertantly when they dont want to! Then I read "A Million little pieces" which really was amazing. I was expecting not to like it very much because EVERYBODY said it was so good. But it was. I didnt cry like everybody else said I would though.

Anyways, Work today, then alleahs party. I hope Jenn's OK.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Still putting off cali pt II

Yet another survey... fill it out for me to read too! - I got this from Brandon who I met In california, but if you wanna comment those answers about me....:P

1.Your Full Name:
--->Melody Chantal Barta

2. Age:

3. Single or Taken:
--->SO single

4. Favorite Movie:
--->Gone with the Wind, Zoolander, 10 things I hate about you.

5. Favorite Song:
--->at the MOMENT poster of a girl - metric

6. Favorite Band:
--->The Mars volta, Muse, Metric, Nirvana, Panic! at the disco, Queen, Radiohead, The POstal Service, Coldplay, Ben Folds five, City and Colour, Incubus..... the list is long

7. Kinky or Clean:
--->Depends on my mood... and how comfortable I am

8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:
--->16 ear piercings, tongue, labret and a tattoo of a treble clef on the right side of my neck

HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...

1. Do we know each other outside of myspace/blogger/internet world?
--->yes and no, we met once

2. What song reminds you of me?
--->song 2 - Blur

3. Would you have my back in a fight?
---> proably not, Im a pacifist

4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?

5. What is your favorite memory of us?
--->sitting in the Indio Bus station, talking about Tool

6. What is your favorite sexual activity?
--->hahah do you really want me to answer that? probably kissing... (but not just on the mouth:P)

7. Would you give me a kidney?

8. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you?
--->Pineapples are my favourite fruit and I know more then one song about them

9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?

10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?
--->no, not really

11. If I were a candy what would I be?

12. Have you ever seen me naked?

13. Do you think I'm a good person?
--->I dont know you well enough to know, but I get the feeling you are a good person

14. Would you drive across country with me?
--->sure, why not!

15. Do you think I'm attractive?
--->To a degree

16. Are there ever times when you want to call me but don't?
--->well I dont really have an urge to call long distance and talk to you.

17. Have you ever slept with someone famous?
--->no :(

18. If you could change anything about me, would you? what would it be?
--->I dont know your bad qualities well enough to change anything

19. What is the best advice you can give me?
--->Stay true to yourself and keep looking out for those who you love, it'll be worth it in the long run. oh, and dont eat snow that is any colour other then white.

20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?
--->Wel it'd be a long drive.... but if you subsidised greyhound costs, probably

21. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
--->seems as though I did....

Friday, May 12, 2006

OKAY FINE!!!! The california post :)

So saturday morning (april 22) I wake up at Laura's house what seems like really early! (7:30, oh no!:P) She and her mom are going to vancouver that day too to see some art things and then go to a play, so we go over on the 8:30 boat together. WHen we get to vancouver we all take a bus downtown and then split up to go our separate ways. I get calls from both Llowyn and Evan and make plans to go to granville island to meet Llowyn, and then go to meet Evan at 3:30. SO after navigateing the bus system, i finally make it to granville island, and llowyn's driving a boat! we hang out for awhile, in fragmented ways (because he's working), but then I have to get back to the station where I have to meet evan. after many busses and a long walk (and a scary experience in a gas station/mob outpost bathroom) I finally make it back, and I'm early! so, listening to my music and waiting in the sun was a nice break, and then along comes evan. we watched a movie, and had excellent conversation. I got to see his mom and his dad, but Llowyn didnt come back before I got picked up by shane (avec mom and dad murphy and aunt angela) we had another short sleep before we left in the morning to go and catch our bus!!!

We left Vancouver at 9:00 AM, got held up at the border for like, 2 hours, Im not even exaggerating. and finally I went and asked the bus driver if we could get out and walk around a bit, cuz I was getting antsy! so we waited and waited.... finally we cross the border, where a scary spanish speaking man asked me why I was going there. We got to seattle late and missed all our connections though. everything was late, so by the time we got to LA we had missed our connection to Anaheim! fortunatly there were some girls that we met on the bus that were in the same predicament. we could buy cigarettes down there! they were GROSS, but we could buy them and didnt even have to use fake ID :) we met some other people on the bus. Kyle from seattle, the sacro kids (who left us in sacramento, but not before we all went dumpster diving for doughnuts somewhere in oregon, behind a winchells:P). so when we got to LA (the next night at like 6:00), we took a Taxi (split 5 ways, so not so bad) to our hotel in anaheim (America's Best Value Astoria Inn and Suites) I would definetly go there again, there was a little hot tub and pool and we had a little balcony. and the coffee and danishes in the morning were included, and the transportation to disneyland was a total of like, $6 each. It was really inexpensive too, like $100US each for 3 nights. Monday night when we got there, we walked to IHOP and on the way there, we saw the fireworks from disneyland :)

Tuesday morning we got up kinda late (8:30) because my phone was on silent still, and so we went to disneyland at probably 9:30. We went on all the rides. seriously, we probably only missed like 5-10 rides in disneyland (Not including Pirates of the carribean, which was closed for renovations). My favourites were Space mountain, Splash mountain, The teacups (Mad hatters tea party), Its a small world and Indiana Jones. By the end of the night I had a MASSIVE headache, but we stayed until the end of the night so we could see the fireworks, and then went straight home (to the hotel:P) and into bed. The next morning, we went straight to California Adventure. there were lots of really cool rides there. Favourites include, the river rapids, soarin' over california, california dreamin' (the rollercoaster:D) and the Hollywood tower of terror, which is an elevator that goes up 13 stories, the doors open, you can see out over the whole park, and then drops stright down. we went for a really nice dinner in the park and then went back home (cuz shane was feeling about as crappy on wednesday as I was on tuesday!) we watched the fireworks from our hotel balcony that night :) and I called Martha cuz I was lonely. Disneyland with Shane is cool and all, but we dont always connect on stuff, and spending that long on the bus with anyone can get trying :P I'm sure he feels the same way. Dont get me wrong though, I dont think theres anyone I could have had the same experience down there with! we did have an awesome time together, and Left each other alone, when the time was right lol.

Thursday morning, we packed up all our stuff and walked over to Disneyland with it (we were exhausted, our stuff was SO HEAVY) and put it all in ONE locker!!! we did a sorta highlights reel that day, and went to all our favourite rides from both parks. we knew we had to leave at 4, so we packed as much into the day as possible :) bought our gifts for people that day too... coulnt get many things, but like, for my parents and a couple people. I found myself a shirt that has a skull and crossbones and says "The beatings will continue untill morale improves" :) its excellent. at 4, after one last ride on the river raft, we took a taxi back to the anaheim bus station and took a 2 hour bus ride to san bernadino, where we had two hours to wait. That is the scariest place I have ever been. No joke. The bathrooms had three stalls, on with no dorr, one with no toilet, and one with no toilet paper and goop all down the walls. I was freaked right the fuck out.

Anyways I just got called into work, so I'll finish the rest of this in another post entitled, CALIFORNIA, THE SECOND GENERATION. Or CALIFORNIA: THE JOURNEY CONTINUES, or CALIFORNIA: THE LEGEND LIVES ON. or some such nonsense.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Its survey time... cuz I am still putting off posting about California...

1. What is your full name? (this includes embarrassing nicknames) Melody Chantal Barta... I dont really do the nickname thing. I guess I'm parle je biscuit and pineapple....
2. What would you rather your name be? Elizabeth
3. When’s your birthday? July 19th, 1987
4. What color are your eyes? sortof greenish
5. When you are 80, will you dye your hair a bright color and walk downtown
with me? yes. Purple
6. If you could only pick one band/singer to listen to for the rest of your
life, who would it be? The Mars Volta
7. What is your ideal profession? Singer, actress, performer extrodianaire
8. Do you have any siblings? one real, 4 step.
9. What is the one thing about you that you think nobody understands? I dont know really how to interact with people... I should be in a zoo.
10. Do you have a lot of friends? Lots of aquaintances, and people who could develop into friends, and a couple of really good friends.
11. If you had to be put into one clique at school, which would it be?
Theatre person, and I was.
12. If a war against beings that couldn’t die broke out tomorrow, would you fight for your country anyways? I wouldn't fight, I don't believe in war.
13. What is your favorite book or books? Gone with the Wind.
14. Who is your favorite teacher at school? Mr. A
15. Which one do you hate the most? Mr. Friend
16. Can you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time? Yep.
17. Who is your favorite celebrity? ummm... I really like jake GYllenhal, only because he takes real chances and I respectv that. OH AND EMILY HAINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. What do you do in your spare time? spare time? what is this spare time you speak of.... hang out with frie4nds.... and threatre It up.
19. Are you a loner or a social butterfly? Im more of a social butterfly than a Loner.
20. Do you want to join the “Down with Love” club? only if it also involves "up with lust", and no drama.
21. Who do you have a crush on right now? *giggles* a boy from the states...
22. Do you think they like you back? Thats a stupid question, he lives in the states. It doesnt matter!
23. What’s the last movie you saw at the theatre? Failure to Launch
24. If you could be any animal, which would it be? I think I would be a cat
25. What color would you say you are? ( personality wise) Fuschia
26. Do you like video games? Not really.
27. What’s your birth sign? Cancer!
28. Do you know what that means about you? Yes... But Im lazy
29. Have you ever been in love? yes
30. Ever had unrequited love? Bunches of times.
31. What’s your favorite store? the virgin records megastore.
32. How is your relationship with your family? It alright, I stay out of their business, and they sometimes stay out of mine.
33. What’s your favorite thing to drink? orange juice
34. What are three words you would use to describe yourself? gregarious, loyal, nice. (yeah its cop out answer)
35. Do you drink alcohol? Yep.
36. Do you do drugs? only weed.
37. If you’re going to have kids, what would you like their names to be? Brody, David, Cadence.
38. What’s your favorite childhood memory? Dad and I building the treehouse
39. Have you ever been chased by geese? um... no
40. What’s your favorite joke? Why was the blondes bellybutton sore. Cuz her boyfriend was blonde too.
41. Do you like to dance? Very Much so!
42. Do you hate anyone? No.... I am hated, but I hate nobody.
43. Are you ticklish? yes.
44. What’s your favorite outfit? Jeans, long orange shirt with some band shirt or theatre show on it.
45. Do you have a religion? No
46. Are you a vegetarian? Yes!
47. Have you ever skipped class? Tons and tons of class. Tons and TONS.
48. Do you believe in ghosts? yes and no....
49. Do you believe in an afterlife? yes and no... These questions are too hard for a survey!!!
50. Do you listen to your horoscope? every once in awhile, it sent into my hotmail INbox everyday!!!
51. Do you chew on the end of your pencils? Just pens.
52. What’s on your bedroom walls? boxes and boxes of stuff.

On the opposite sex

53. long or short hair? Long, but not too long!
54. Light or dark hair? dark
55. Light or dark eyes? light.
56. Indoorsy or outdoorsy? Not insanely outdoorsy, but they have to enjoy Nature.
57. Shy or confident/outgoing? Confident!!!!!
58. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair and facial features
59. Describe your dream guy/ girl: well they dont have to be traditionally attractive, but if I'm not attracted to them its never going to go ANYWHERE! They should be musical, at least in interest, and be talented in some way.
60. Would you rather them be good looking or have a great personality?
people can be physically attracted to someones personality, so personality is wayy more important.
61. What confuses you most about them? everything. Boys are weird.


62. who’s your best friend? Hummm, I have several people I would consider among my closest friends, depending on the situation. Laura, Brianna, Ashlet and Jenn, Martha and Shane and Cora
63. Who’s your oldest friend? Martha, out of ones Im still friends with
64. Your newest friend? EVeryone we met down at coachella.
65. Who is the craziest? Kelsey
66. Funniest? Jordan
67. Loudest? Brianna
68. Most fun? depends on my mood.
69. Most creative? Ashley
70. Most musical? yeah everybody I know is musical.
71. Most talented? Im gunna take a veto on this question, to avoid being beaten.
72. Most athletic? the people I danced with are athletic in that way.
73. Smartest? Laura
74. Prettiest? ALso taking a veto on this one. I have many many pretty friends
75. Most confident? Brianna
76. Most energetic? Alleah.
77. Nicest? Laura
78. Sweetest? Barbara or Cora
79. Meanest? Barbara
80. If you were about to assassinate the president, who would you pick as an
accomplice? Kevin. my pseudo ex-boyfri4endfs form a play
81. Who would make the best spy? Brianna maybe.... or shane, hes so manipulative or maybe Cora. Im not sure why.
82. Who is most likely to win the nobel prize? Laura
83. An oscar? Shane
84. An olympic medal? if you could get shane into the gold suit, I think you could make him LUGE!!!!!!!!!
85. If you could only take one person to a deserted island, who would it be? Honestly I dont know... Someone who wouoldnt make me go crazy, who could give me my space, when I wanted it, and who I could have sex with.... Martha.

86. what is one question you would like to ask the general public? WHY DO YOU LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS!?!?!?!?!

87. What ticks you off? unreasonable, illogical anger
88. what are you scared of? Dying Alone...
***89 Deleted, it makes no sense***
90. Have you ever stolen anything? Yeah...

100 yes or nos

not allowed to explain, just answer yes or no.

blah blah blah ok here it goes

1. Taken a picture naked? no
2. Painted your room? Yes
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? yes
4. Driven a car? yes
5. Danced in front of your mirror? yes
6. Have a crush? yes
7. Been dumped? yes
8. Stole money from a friend? no
9. Gotten in the car with people you didnt know? yes
10. Been in a fist fight? no
11. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? yes
12. Had feelings for someone of the same sex? yes
13. Been arrested? no
14. Made out with a stranger? yes
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? yes
16. Left your house with out telling your parents? yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbor? yes
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? yes
19. Slept (not had sex) in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes
20. Seen someone die? no
21. Been on a plane? yes
22. Kissed a picture (npt made out)? yes
23. Slept in until 3? yes
24. Miss someone right now? yes
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yes
26. Made a snow angel? yes
27. Played dress up? Yes
28. Cheated while playing a game? Yes
29. Been lonely? yes
30. Fallen asleep at work/school? yes
31. Been to a club? yes
32. Felt an earthquake? yes
33. Touched a snake? Yes
34. Ran a red light? no
35. Been suspended from school? no
36. Had detention? yes
37. Been in a car accident that you didnt cause? yes
38. Hated the way you look? yes
39. Witnessed a crime? yes
39. Been the person doing the crime? yes
40. Pole danced? no
41. Been lost? yes
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? yes
43. Felt so sick you thought you might die? Yes
44. Cried yourself to sleep? yes
46. Sang karaoke? yes
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yes
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes
50. Kissed in the rain? yes
51. Sang in the shower? yes
52. Had sex in a park? no
53. Had a dream where you were married? yes
54. Glued your hand to something? no
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? no
57. Been a cheerleader? no
58. Sat on a roof top? yes
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? yes
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? yes
61. Played chicken? no
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yes
64. Broken a bone? yes
65. Been easily amused? yes
66. Laughed so hard you cried? yes
67. Mooned/flashed someone? yes
68. Cheated on a test? yes
69: Forgotten someones name? yes
70. Slept naked? yes
71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool? yes
73. Blacked out from drinking? yes
74. Played a prank on someone? no
75. Gone to a late night movie? yes
76. Made love to anything not human? um... not even a little (Unless you count those aliens)
77. Failed a class? yes
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? yes
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? yes If voice counts as an instrument
80. Been cheated on? no
81. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? No
82. Thrown strange objects? yes
83. Felt like killing someone? yes
84. Felt like running away? yes
85. Ran away? yes
86. Did drugs? yes
87. Had detention and not attend it? no
89. Made a parent cry? yes
90. Cried about someone? yes
91. Fooled around with more than one person in a 24 hour period? yes
92. Dated someone you didn't even like? yes
93. Had/Have a dog? yes
95. Own an instrument? yes
96. Been in band? no
97. Drank 25 sodas in a day? no
98. Broken a CD? yes
99. Shot a gun? no
100. Had feelings for one of your best/good friends? yes

Friday, May 05, 2006

15 truths - stolen from EVERYONE!!!

1. You try too hard to be something that everyone likes. If you just BE yourself then people feel more comfortable, and comfortable people are happy people, and happy people like you!
2. I am SOOO SOOO SOOO happy we're finally working things out. I never meant to hurt you, and selfishness isn't an excuse.
3. We have spent too much time together. I still like you, but I'm hoping we won't see a lot of each other for a little while
4. What you did really sucked. I mean, I don't (and didn't) want a relationship, or even a friendship neccissarily... but it made me feel like a piece of meat... and thats lame.
5. I miss you. I don't know what it is thats pulling us apart, or why we don't talk about it enstead of just having you ditch me all the time, but I'm tired of it. Lets change some stuff.
6. I love you so much. youre always there for me, even when you dont really wanna be there, and youre one of the few people I know whos never blown me off for something stupid. sometimes I wish I could be more honest with you.
7. I'm glad youre home... I really hope you don't believe everything you've heard, because I know its not complimentary. Please believe in me, I need you to.
8. I hate that I won't see you for so long. I hate that I don't know how I feel for you, and I hate that you live so fucking far away... I wish you knew I thought about you at least a hundred times today. Even more then that I hope and wish on stars that you thought about me too.
9. So many times it feels like you've betrayed me, and still I come crawling back to you. That makes me hate myself, and I can't even blame it on you.
10. youre being selfish and stubborn and carrying a valid point too fucking far. all I want is to experience your friendship again. Nothing more, and I swear I will never hurt you again.
11. I'm surprised I dont regret you. youve been one of those steady background friends and I always thought it would bee too weird. Guess not :P
12. youre such a sweetheart to be around. we've shared little snippets of life. I'm glad to have you as a friend
13. You are without a doubt one of the people I aspire to most impress. For better or worse I want to be my best self around you. if that makes me a fake so be it, but I think I should just be around you more... and get into the habit of trying to make you happy.
14. I dont know what happened... I really don't. I never did anything to you. you dissipeared, and obviously dont want to talk to me... and I just wish I knew why.
15. you are majorly talented, and outwardly you have a huge ego.... thank you for letting me see past that to the real you.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I made the biggest post ever. I mean ever. like 10,000 words about my whole week in california. and then explorer shut down and I lost it!!!! I LOST IT!!!! I'm very upset by that.

Long story short everything but the bus ride was awesome. I met a boy :) hes pretty :)