Pineapple Island - Home of the Purple Penguins

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fiddler and where to live

So last night were the first two shows of Fidder On the Roof. The first one in the afternoon was really....... Well, the OrchExtra (the music box that makes all our dreams come true) died completely. During the first song, "tradition", all we got was a vetry faint top line and this nasty feedback. It was aweful, we did very well considering, but Mr. Anderson called an early intermission Right after "to Life" to see if we could fix the music box. For "to Life", our russian dance number, all we had was a high hat and a bass line. It was aweful. But I was really proud of the cast. even worst case scenario, they did an awesome, nearly professional job of getting through it. I felt SOOOOO bad for Darren, he was exhausted and he seemed so nervous backstage. In the second show, when he did "If I were a rich man" he pulled it opff to the EXTREME, and we were all in the lobby watching it on the screen and when he finished we all bropke into applause. Hes so adorable. I *heart* him. The second show went really well, Brianna, Barbara and STephen were in the front row, which was great, but kinda disconcerting, lol. In "to Life" I pass out right at the front of the stage, and I was literally, right in front of them..... It was hard to keep a straight face:P But yeah, the second show went much better. The bottle dance still kinda scares me, but we managed it alright and I was so proud of Amie. And the hats worked. The second time they were actually harder to get on, I had to struggle with it for a really long time, and I felt awkward, but I ended up getting it on there, and will continue to do alright with it *knock on wood* (*knocks on glenn*).

In other News, ALyssa, my old boss from fairweather, called me up and asked me if I would work for her again. shes looking for a house for me. If that doesnt work out, I'm moving in with red-head Cora, downtown somewhere. Both scenarios work for me. either way I think I'll be pretty damn pleased.

So I have to go and take a shower, I stayed over at Barbara's and Brianna's last night and am going stright to fiddler from here. love to everyone.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I believe in fairies *claps hands*

The stars are out where dreams are born
And fairytales come true.
No matter who you are,
There's magic in the stars
Reaching out to you.

There's magic in the stars,
Magic everywhere you look,
Like pages from a story book.
The dream come true is ours.
There's magic in the stars,
Where all your dreams come true.

Makin' memories, sharin' dreams,
Watchin' time go by.
Each enchanted day,
Your heart will sail away
To castles in the sky.

Joy and laughter in the night
Can bring a smile or two.
Believe it deep inside,
It's a magic carpet ride,
Where fun awaits for you.

Even in the darkest night,
Strange things can happen here.
Even in the dark,
The dreamer holds the spark
That brings adventure near.

Close your eyes and make a wish,
It's easy from the start.
Open up your mind,
It's fantasy you'll find
Deep within your heart.

Take a chance if you believe,
And wish upon a star.
We made a world that sees
Where all your dreams come true
No matter where you are.


(Adults and Children)
There's magic in the stars,
Magic everywhere you look,
Like pages from a story book.
So find the child in you.
Believe that dreams come true
With magic in the stars!

Magic in the stars!

I really miss disneyland. I think we'll go back next year.

Todays Thursday

That means tomorrow's the dress rehearsal, and the main dance I do, got the choreography finished TODAY. we balance bottles on our head, do we have the bottles yet? NO! mr. A decided today that he wanted different hats. guh. I am so worried. I dont want to look bad on stage. also I didnt warm up today and now I'm really sore.

In other news I love my tattoo :) Its of a pineapple on my left hip, for anyone who doesnt know. Martha and I went to get it last wednesday. The tattoo guy was hitting on martha a lot, lol.

Furthermore I am the tiredest person ever. Working for 6 hours after being at arts alive for 6 is too long a day for me to do for such a long time!!!!!!!!! thankfully tomorrow I only have a 10 hour day enstead of a 12 hour day. yay.

K, I'm going to bed. Loves to all

current song: *sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset, swiftly fly the years, one season following another, laden with happiness and tears* (I cant get it out of my head)

Monday, July 24, 2006

People aren't very nice hey? in general, I mean. I have kinda lost faith in the world. Its hard to belive in it when there are such shitty things happening all over.

In other news i'm reading pride and prejudice. Its excellent.

I went to megan and darrens house today to work on some fiddler stuff.

I'm not moving to vancouver. Things got weird.

shane hasnt called me back, and jenns being kinda flaky, *shrugs* I love her anyway, but its pretty hard to deal with. she didnt come to my birthday cuz she just hung out at home enstead. and then we were supposed to hang out sunday... but she had some tasha things to take care of.

Arts alive is fun. I *heart* doing musicals.

Amie (sasja's cousin) is awesome, she and I are doing the bottle danmce together (which I helped choreograph by the by) and she ssooooooooo cute and really fast learner. I think she and darren should get togethr :P

A is for age: 19
B is for Booze of choice: smirnoff ice usually. or porn stars with seven-up
C is for career: Musicb teacher hopefully
D is for your dog's name: Ivy, but she died.
E is for what you use everyday: hmmm, the tap in the sink. (this is a harder question then one might surmise)
F is for favorite song at the moment: All I dan think of are Fiddler songs! prolly the new album from thom york.
G is for favorite games: Twister for sure
H is for hometown: Lantzville. I wasnt born here, but I consider it my hometown.
I is for instruments you play: Voice. I have dabbled in cello, violin, piano and flute though.
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry
K is for Kids: yes.
L is for last kiss: graham
M is for most admired trait: I am confident?
N is for the name of your crush: no comment
O is for overnight hospital stays: not yet.
P is for phobias: dying alone
Q is for quotes you like: "The lips on you were plain, the better to a kiss sustain"
R is for biggest regret: losing Gareth. hands down.
S is for sweets of your choice: liquorice and chocolate
T is for the time you wake up: 7:00... gross.
U is for underwear: no way baby... unles Im wearing a skirt. then, usually.
V is for vegetable you love: most of them. cabbage, spinach, asparagus, tomato. loves them all!
X is for x-rays you've had: a few.
Y is for yummy food you make: pasta..... mmmmmm....
Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer.

anywho Im gunna go finish my book.

*I still wish on stars and candles for you, its true*

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I'm the tiredest person ever.


SO last night I get downtown and I see Brady, who I've been trying to get ahold of for literally the past three weeks, and I was like, come to my birthday, like, nowish. and he was all "sure", but then we got there and he saw who all was there and he was like this is not my scene, may I take you out for lunch another time? and I said sure, and we were on our way. Trish, Kellie, Michelle, Janelle, Rosie, Cora, Megan, Darren, Kevin, Brianna, Barbara, Stef (who got off work to come!!!!), Martha, Maarten, Matt, Kellie, Laura, briannas friend Rob 2 (return of rob) lol, Jenny, Sasja, Amie... I think amie was there, see I dont remember her being there, but if sasja was, why wouldnt she be? I'm so confused. I don't think Amie was there. But I was. We all went over on the Boat to Protection Island. WHen we got the to dinghy DOck I ordered a drink! I had a raspberry daqueri and a pina colada and then janelle bought me a china white shot, which was awesome. we had a great dinner (well mine was great anyways, I had pizza!) and then they brought me sex in a dinghy with a candle on it. A few people brought over gifts which was totally unneccisary, but totally awesome. Trish Cast back pass-back-Jack with Ribbon on the card, and then she drew a halfie pineapple emblem on his chest, so we know whose love child it really is. Megan and Kevin bought me a make your own candy necklace kit and a seuss mug that I asked for :D (Just what I've always wanted!!!) Brianna and Barbara got me Pineapple Guava scented lotion and spritz. Darren brought me a flamingo wind chime. (random and oh, so awesome) Michelle was really jeleous of that, let me tell you. Stef bought me Lush :D yay Lush! Martha is having a shirt made for me that says Pineapples are fierce! :D Matt and kellie gave me this sweet book of cupons that I can use for hugs and stuff from them. and also maarten, but he doesnt know so I dont know how well the cupons will work for him. Laura said she'd get me something when she goes to europe this summer :P More then anything I was just happy that everyone was there. It meant soooo much to me :) SO on the ferry on the way back We see ashley and graham. The decision is made that we will go to lisas for a cocktail party! On the way I get sidetracked by the thought of a bellini, and we stop at country club. SO me, laura, Ashley, graham, lisa, Jordan D and Matt B hung out at lisas house untill like, 11:30, and kate stopped by to say happy birthday, which was awesome, and Spencer showed up. Then Ashley, graham and I went to the gay bar and had a few drinks, adn then we walked up to MGM and saw trish and was suggested prior to all the other craziness. Oh, and I saw Barbara's mom at the Gay bar. lol.

I had deep fried cheese. wow.

SO yeah. It was awesome and stuff. There were some people not htere who should have been. SHanes comeing over near the beginning of next week and he said hes take me our for lunch or something, and jenn... well I don't know about jenn. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out at then end of Arts alive. Dan and the other Jenn were working and so was glenn. Geoff, yeah I don't know where he was... But yeah, generally it was awesome. Good times were had by me at least. :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

its my birthdayyyyyyy

I am 19 as of today!!!! yay! for one whole hour thus far....

so heres a birthday survey, stolen entirely from Laura!
two 2's:

Two Names You Go By:
2. Melly

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Blue tee shirt
2. cherry boxers

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Common interests
2. sexual chemistry

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Being with people I like
2. Performing

Two Things You Want Really Badly:
1. "I need love love, to ease my mind"
2. My Tattoo!!!

Two pets you have/had:
1. Teaspoon (Fat cat)
2. Jewel (sleeps on my face)

Two Favorite Sports:
1. Dance
2. gymnastics

Two people who will fill this out:
1. Hopefully nobody, theres a lot of time wasted.
2. But I can, cuz its my birthday

Two things you did last night:
1. Went to Victoria with Graham
2. Had a girls night with Barbara, Brianna, Alleah and Laura B

Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Pirate Chips
2. Acme (conveniently located accross the road from PC)

Two things you like about yourself:
1. I can adapt easily
2. I am generally memorable

Two things u ate today:
1. A bagel with cream cheese
2. Cereal.

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. My sister Kim
2. The boy in her bedroom

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Getting my tattoo
2. Having Cake at home

Two people close to your heart:
1. There are many people close to my heart. all my friends
2. and family!

Two Longest car rides:
1. Greyhounding to California
2. victoria to nanaimo, when youre waiting for christmas

Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Halloween
2. My birthday

1: is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: Yes

Q: Do you think your life has been good so far?
A: yes, generally

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: work. I'm so lame

Q: Who is the last person you called?
A: My house to see if someone could pick me up after work. They couldnt....

Q: Who is the last person you texted?
A: Trish!

Q: Been cheated on?
A: Not that I know of.

Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?
A: my dad.

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A; a younger brother, two older step sisters, and a step brother and sister on the other side.

Q: Do you smile often?
A: I like to think so

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: Its one in the morning. That'd be a little crazy. I kinda hope so.

Q: What is your middle name?
A: Chantal

Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity)
A: Thats like..... the worst choice ever. I have to say love, but what would the world be without creativity???? Love causes creativity which causes beauty!!!!

Q: Do you wish on stars?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: only if theyre tied up really tight for some crazy reason

Q: What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten?
A: Brussels sprouts

Q: Would you kill someone?
A: in the right circumstances

Q: When did you last cry?
A: I almost did today, but the last time I really cried was.... thursday. Martha knows what I'm talking about...

Q: Have you ever met anyone famous?
A: Depends on what you mean by famous. we'll go with yes.

Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: it describes me quite well

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I like to think so, but I know I am only sometimes

Q: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
A: depends on what other person I was! I'd sure like to be, I can be a lot of fun when I'm in a good mood. I think anyways.

Q: What is your favourite school subject?
A: MUTH or choir. academic... math or socials.

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you regret anything?
A: Absolutly. but the consequences only, not the actions themselves.

A: Blue

A: Three cats

A: Yours mine and ours (old and new)

A: I have some that are white with blue stripes, but right now theres just my matress

A: Girl chatting with the girls

A: get my tattoo!!!!!

A: tonight, tuesday

A: Printer, phone, lamp

A: Lauras pineapple coconut juice

A: no

A: yes

A: yes lol

A: hahha yeah, remember shenandoah brianna?

A: generally, yes

A: yes

A: I certainly hope not, but I do like to get my own way sometimes

A: sometimes

Q: What's your natural hair color?:
A: dark ash-blonde

Q: What color are your eyes?
A: greenish

Q: Current Piercing?
A: ones I have? labret, 16 in ears, tongue

Q: Long or Short Hair?
A: short

Q: Currently wearing?
A: Boxers and a blue shirt.

Q: Rings?
A: yes! one on my ring finger on my left hand from my mom, and two on the ring finger of my right hand, one for friendship, from Kelsey, and one for art, found on the floor of the drama room in Crazy For You.

Q: Bracelets?
A: My coachella wristband

Q: Is your hair up or down?
A: down

Q: Current Music:
A: none, but I have sunrise, sunset stuck in my head hardcore

Q: Current Annoyance:
A: Nail polish doesnt dry fast enough.

Q: Current Thing I Wish I was Doing:
A: sleeping

Q: Current Refreshment:
A: I <3 starbucks strawberry blended lemonades

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
80 things you might not know about me. Erase my answers, fill in your own, and repost.

1. What is your middle name? Chantal
2.How big is your bed? single, but a bunk bed.
3. What are you listening to right now? see above
4. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 1987
5. What was the last thing you ate? a bowl of rice krispies
6. Last person you hugged? Sasja?
7. How is the weather right now? Dark... But clear
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Brianna?
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair
10. Favorite type of Food? PINEAPPLE!!!!!
11. Do you want children? yes
13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? most of the night count?
14. Hair color? medium red with brown/blonde growing in
15. Eye color? Greeny
16. Do you wear eye contacts? nope
17. Favorite holiday? I really do like all holidays. I said halloween before, but thats really just cuz its sooner then christmas.
18. Favorite Season? winter
19. have you ever cried over a boy/girl? never :P hah!
29. What books are you reading? Just finished Wicked
31. Favorite Movie? too many, I love lots of movies.
32. Favorite college football Team? *throws up a little*
33. What were you doing before filling this out? painting my nails vampy red.
34. Favorite Flower? lilac, or gerber daisys, or those stargazer lillies, or snapdragons, or roses or lavander. pretty much anything BUT carnations.
40. Have you ever loved someone? yes
41. Who would you like to see right now? Jenn
43. Have you ever fired a gun? no.
44. Do you like to travel by plane? better then the greyhound!
45. Right-handed or Left-handed? right
46. If you could go to any place right now where would you go? italy
48. Are you missing someone? yeah
49. Do you have a tattoo? yes!
50. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? no.... I work
51. Are you hiding something from someone? definetly
52. ARE YOU 18? had this been asked an hour and a half ago I would have said yes.
53. WHAT IS THE WALLPAPER ON YOUR CELLPHONE?a calander with moving pictures for each month!!!!
54. DID YOU GET ENOUGH SLEEP LAST NIGHT? not even a little
55. FIRST THING YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS MORNING? shut the alarm off!!!!! sleep again.... yes, wonderful sleep...... NO!!! AWAKE!!! BUSSES won't WAIT FOR ME!!!!
57. GRILLED OR FRIED? grilled actually...
58. WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? hah. I don't know actually, Its a combination of things.
60. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? not particularly. I'm afraid of certain places in the dark.
61. FAVORITE HANGOUT? Dover Bay Drama Room.
62. 3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? friends/family, the stage, Love
63. FIRST THING YOU WILL BUY IF GIVEN 1 THOUSAND DOLLARS? The first thing? I'd pay back my mom the 250 I owe her... then buy some tickets to coachella 07
64. FAVORITE SONG? I have SOOOOO MANY!!!! Pineapple princess is pretty rad, Fix You, Blackout, "here on who", Wonderwall, warning - incubus.... seriously, like a trillion favourites.
65. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? dying alone.
66. ARE YOU A GIVER OR TAKER? Both. depends on the circumstances
67. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? melly belly, pineapple, punkin, mel, jelody.
70. STUCK ON A DESERTED ISLAND & COULD BRING ONE THING? its a toss up between waterproof matches and a knife (that comes with a sharpener). COuldn't I just bring a survival kit?
71. FAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL? Telus lemur ones with the cool songs
73. FIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE? Thing? like not family or pets? pictures probably, I cherish my memories.
74. Favorite color? Green? someitmes. I also love blue red and purple.
79. WHO DO U WANT TO MEET? I would love to meet emily haines.
80. WHAT DO U THINK ABOUT BEF0RE YOU GO TO BED? all the things I have to do the next day...

If you made it through that, I applaud you vehemently. come to my birthday party on july 21! Reminder!!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

So, this week has been a jumble of singing, dancing, working and partying. Arts Alive started this week, so my non-dancer's legs have been screaming at me for dancing again. But the singing has been nice. Darren (Megans little brother) is awesome. I've fallen head over heels in platonic love with him. I hope he keeps doing arts alive, cuz hes really good. Been feeling closer to Kevin lately, which is weird but awesome. Most people intimidate me to a fairly large extent, but I feel relatively comfortable around kevin. but not for lack of trying on his part :P

WOrked tons, that was lame. Then Thursday and friday were parties at geoff's and Laura's, respectively. Fun, drunken times, at lauras tons of people showed up, like uninvited guests. Random people from high school, like the Nash Triplets. Crazy times. Someone wished my an extremely unexpected happy birthday. Drunken states cause people to do things they wouldn't otherwise I suppose.

On friday I hung out with Trish, which was totally awesome! she bought me dinner, which I felt aweful about, decided we were having a halfie-pineapple love child called Destiny LaVerne. Yes. That's correct. we also talked about... like everything. and she borrowed my happy meal pirate johnny till my birthday that shes coming to on friday. which you guys are all coming to right? I have this aweful feeling that like, 3 people will come, and then the waitresses will laugh at me for having 3 friends. WHich wouldnt be bad if I did only have three friends, and knew it, but I like to THINK I have more people then that?

Arts ALive kids are sooooo weird. we all get connected with each other in this way that never kinda leaves, you always know matt schmidt as professor harold hill, and I dont think theres anyone whos been in arts alive (untill this year) who doesnt know Brianna, Elina or SHane or someone. SPeaking of whom, Elina was at the Party At Lauras, and it was very starange to see her again. Good, but strange.

Today I woke up, only a little hungover (I was more high then drunk, and that just gives me a goooood sleep) and went to work. After, I went to have lunch at Manhattan... and then came home, and have been Reading Wicked non-stop. speaking of which, I must go make tea and read more. Goodnight to all.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rocky horror Party!

So, last night was Laura's Birthday party with a rocky horror theme. It was rather fabulous, I was wearing sparkly stilletto shoes and top hat, my black shirt, fishnets on my legs and arms, little short shorts, red bra, boa and a feather duster. We took lots of awesome pictures, I hope stef and whoever else, sends them to us :P...

Im really glad most of everybody dressed up, Martha and stef and brianna all did the corset, short shorts, fishnets thing, rosie wore a slip with a black bra underneath, jake and chris were girls, Laura had a flapper type dress on, tim was a girl too, but with pretty makeup. Cora (redhead) wore a white, very revealing thing (her boyfriend was there though :(:P) ummm, I cant remember who else drerssed up. ANyways, we got to see llowyn, which was awesome. I missed him!

I think I'm gunna go make dinner and watch annapolis.

Friday, July 07, 2006

my profile picture?

Looking around here you'd think, sure, shes got everything!

I Miss being in shows. desperatly miss being onstage, in front of people who actually want to heard what you have to say, even if youre only speaking someone elses words. I am looking forward to fiddler more then you could possibly imagine.

ANyways. SO, wednesday night, I got off work and made my way to geoffs house for the fabulous birthday party for trish! I got there and everyone was playing I never. There were a couple of *cough cough* *awkward silence* type moments, but over all it was a good game :) then we all started doing our own thing, I hadnt brought alchohol, but somehow it still kept being given to me, so I ended up with quite a lot. like not enough to be hammered, but enough to be very buzzed. Trish did her first shot, ever. SHe and I have more in common then either of us (but mostly she) realized. lol. Said lots of the same things at the same time, which always freaks me out. It just means that you have communication with someone, but its weird when it happens with people you dont know very well, or didnt think you knew very well. JOrdan davies brought over the girl who he's bein sorta seeing. I... dunno. I hope she starts treating him better, so far it hasnt seemed like the best thing. *shrugs* whatevs, as long as hes happy, I suppose! We watched the Improv show, all spur of the moment-like, and talked about our new sex toys we're going to design and market. After awhile, I was like, it is bedtime for mel, and jordan gregoire and I stayed up talking for, about ever. we made leg baskets, and taked about "Pilla" gangs (gangs of roving pillow fighters) and sang disney and robbie williams songs. 'twas awesome.

I am getting my tattoo in only 12 days! who's stoked? I know I am. I really am looking forward to my birthday party. 19 always seemed old. but I guess even things that seem far away come eventually if yu keep on rolling towards them, and you cant stop time. (hard as I try sometimes). Supreman can turn back time though, and thats just insane!!! CRAZY GO WILD!!!! *does a little dance* OH btw, will and barbara=the cutest new couple EVER. EVER. did I meantion, EVER?

I dont know what I'm gunna do with moving out, and moving where still. Its very frustrating. I worry about the future soooo much. I have rainbow coloured nails. On my fingers and toes. I did them last night at marthas house, after work. Geoff bought me pizza yesterday afternoon. we share a favourite kind, pineapple and feta cheese. did you guys know that feta IS goat cheesE? I totally didn't know that, but I've always liked both, so maybe thats why.

anyways. I think for work today I'm going to dress up like a pirate, but stay within out dress code. Impossible, you say??? I think not! I will wear my capris, flowy shirt, a scarf round my waist and another on my head. ta-daaa, instant pirate.

I kinda miss shane. Its weird, cuz he did annoy me lots of the time when he was here, but I do miss him. I guess I'll see him on my birthday weekend. I hope anyways. WHAt happens if I invite all my friends, and then, like 5 people show up. I mean I know its quality, not quantity, but when I called to make the resrvation, I just kinda threw a number out there, and how emarrassing, to be like, well yeah, I do have friends, but only like 3 of them could come. That would just be awkward.


If I had a dollar bill for every time Ive been wrong
Id be a self-made millionaire and youd still be gone
So hand me down my best dress shoes and my best dress shirt
Cause Im going out in style to cover the hurt
And all I wanna do all day is spend it in bed
But thats bad for the body and even worse for my head
So Ill try and find a place where no one will ask me a thing
Itll help to forget and help me to sing

Cause now Im drunk again
The means to my end
And Im scared of myself
Cause now its all the same
the faces and names
And Im scared of myself again


I wonder what it feels like to go crazy. FOr all I know, I'm experiencing that, and I don't even know it. anybody could be. I guess crazy is just such a wide term. But still.

My mother was supposed to be here 25 minutes ago. I haven't seen her in, oh, probably two weeks. And its growing likelier by the minute that I will not see her today either. That sucks.

Greham called me at midnight last night, "just to se what was up". Now thats a booty call if I've ever heard one.

MOMS HERE! *surprised*

Baby sometimes I think I catch ya crackin cynical smiles
And in a short while youll be my
Hearts grave digger

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A-Z survey

A - Age: almost 19

B - Band listening to right now: Panic! at the disco.

C - Career: Teacher?

D - Drink or smoke: yes/not for long

E - Easiest person/s to talk to: It depends. Usually I feel comfortable telling Laura everything.

F - Favorite song/s at the moment: Tiny dancer, Lies - Billy talent, the WHOLE new muse album, miss murder- afi

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: bears

J - Junk foods you like: MOst junk food... :D

L - Longest car ride ever: California on a greyhound

M - My favorite Sport/s: I like watching gymnastics

N - Number of relationships you've had: Not enough. 2 "serious" ones

O - One wish you have: to heal relationships with people I know

P - Phobias: I dont really like heights, but its not a phobia

Q - Favorite Quote: "*cough cough* I think I'm getting the black lung pop" "You can't stay at a day-spa for a week!!!" - zoolander

R - Reason to smile: The stage. Or sunshine. Or people I like.

S- Song: "The show must go on" - QUeen

T- Time you woke up: 10:00. WHat? I was up late!

U - Unknown fact about you: I would rather eat fruit salad then pretty much anything else.

V - Vegetable/fruit you hate: none. Oh, I lied, I hate brussels sprouts.

W - Worst habit: smoking

X - X-rays you've had: my head, my teelth, everywhere on myt legs..,.

Y- Yummy food/s: PINEAPPLE

Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer

Monday, July 03, 2006

The sentence game

Finish the sentence:

1. My ex is: Missing out

2. I am listening to: "black Holes and revelations" the new muse CD

3. Maybe I should: Go clean my room....

4. I love: Pineapples

5. My bestfriend is: jenn, shane, brianna, Laura, laura, martha...

6. I don't understand: Boys. Or girls for that matter. People are weird

7. I lost: the opportunity to finish my watermelon before will put vodka in it.

8. People say: Too much and don't listen enough

9. The meaning of my screen name: "Obey your Mel" it was from a website which generated slogans.

10. Love is: hard to describe

11. Somewhere, someone is: being preposed to

12. I will always try to be: honest

13. Forever seems: not very long

14. I never want to: Hurt people I care about

15. My cell phone: is In my pocket

16. When I wake up in the morning, I: fall off the bunk bed...

17. I get annoyed: by hypocritical people

18. Parties are: AWESOME

19. My Dog is: *cough* she died.

20. Kisses are the best when: you have high expectaitions.... ("High hopes, you've got high hopes, you've got high apple pie in the sky hopes")

21. Today I might: get around to finishing my room!!!

23. Tomorrow I will: hang out with Jenn B?

24. I really want: Ice cream sandwiches.....

25. I am: a little pensive, but mostly just introspective.

PARTY POST!!!!!!!!
So last night there was a party at Geoffs house.. that was preety sweet, not so many people showed up as he would have liked, and I wasn't really drinking, but it was still alright. Ryan, spencer and amber were some of the more interesting conversations I had, but everyone was pretty chill. Jordan and I had some really weird solar plexus: the musical going on, I dont even know. it was starring big fat guy the constellation. you kinda had to be there lol.

Today I must clean and organize all my earthly possessions. I'm gunna go get back on that.... so I'll real post again later :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

actual life post.

SO whats new in actual life? Working lots as everyone knows thats a definetly favourite pastime :P not. My dads moving house so we've been working triple time to try and get all the odds and ends put away and moved out and such so that everything looks nice for the new people moving in. its goin on the market on tuesday, so if anyone wans a 5 bedroom, 1 bath house in lantzville, give a holler.

Grehams mom is going to look for a place in vancouver for us when shes there, but he (and I) get the final say. Oh well, it not like I'll know nobody, emilia, shane, stephen, katie, greham, and I can always make friends, I meet people easily.

ooops, just got calle dinto work, I gotta head out. sorry. maybe real post NEXT time!!

a repeat of the failing blog. pretty much

I am turning 19 this month. Its also my "golden" birthday, cuz I turn 19 on the 19th. I would REALLY REALLY REALLY love to have everyone who wants to come be there. Theres nobody who reads this blog who I wouldn't want to come, so yeah, tell people who know me if you want, just let me know how many people are coming :)

WHAT: Mel's Birthday Party!
WHEN: July 21, at 5:15
WHO: You, your boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, whoever. AND ME!
WHERE: the dinghy Dock pub: we have to be on the ferry at 5:25, so be there at 5:15, or else you'll have to take a later ferry!
OTHER: People who are underage can come, they just cant drink. However, after we're done there, I presume we will be going somewhere where ID is neccissary, so have a way home? THERE IS A $6 FERRY FEE!!!! if you can't make it because of that, let me know, cuz I'd like to have you all there, and I'm sure we could work something out. Please call me and let me know if you can come 729-2987, or e-mail me

I post so early because I have to book time for work in July off now, and I figured you guys might too!!! Everyones welcome, but please let me know who's coming so I can give a number for the reservation. If you can only come later, let me know that too, because I don't know how long we'll be there....

Thanks guys :) Look forward to seeing you then, and ask to see my Birthday tattoo!!!

1. What curse word do you use the most? shit
2. Do you own an iPod? no
3. Who on your Myspace "Top 8" do you talk to the most? Shane maybe?
4. What time is your alarm clock set for right now? Its not set.
5. How many suitcases do you own? none, I have a backpack though!
6. Do you wear flip flops outside when it's cold out? Well I've never had flip flops before this year, but this winter... yes, I think I most likely will.
7. Are you having a good day? It has barely begun, but thus far, sure
8. What was the last movie you watched? Waiting, with Graham, it was awesome!
9. Do any of your friends have children? Chelsea does, and some of my friends who are like, from work, and much older then me.
10. Who is your bestfriend? um, I dont know. I'm close with people like jenn, laura, other laura, shane, brianna, martha...
11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? WHen I'm on the greyhound. see, I say its because I get naucious, but how else are you supposed to sleep beside the fat guy who snores and the chatty mexican children?
12. What cd is currently in your cd player? AFI - decemberunderground
13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? chocolate
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week? well we talked about a big secret, but I knew it before
15. When was the last time someone hit on you? hah. like two weeks ago at the gay bar I suppose.
16. Can you whistle? while I work
17. Who was the last person to text you? i don't have text messaging :(
18. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Yes, i know it.
19. Did you watch cartoons as a child? STill do sometimes.
20. How many siblings do you have? one younger brother, and three older step sisters, and an older step brother
21. Are you shy around the opposite sex? I can be, but not often.
22. What movie do you know every line to? lots of musicals, Blythe spirit, zoolander, gone with the wind, ever after, armageddon, 10 thigns I hate about you... lot sof others I've seen too many times.
23. What is the 4th text message on your CELL PHONE? i dont' get them.
24. What is your favorite salad dressing? jamacain (sp) mistake.
25. Do you read for fun? yeah:)
26. Do you do your own dishes? rarely :(
27. Have you ever cried in public? Yes. I've made big scenes before. But only once or twice. I would prefer to cry alone (I'M SOOOO EMO.... LOL)
28. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? desktop
29. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? I'm getting a tattoo in 17 days of a pineapple on my hip, and I think I might want to get my lip pierced.
30. What is the weather like? sun!!!! LOVELY SUN!!!!!
31. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? what their personality like?
32. Do you have an online journal? nope, absolutly not. I don't believe in blogs. :P
33. When was the last time you slept on the floor? I would rather not sleep on a floor. it hurts my back. Proably last time was..... months ago. I slept on the group when we went camping in california, does thta count?
34. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? Well, I have gone trhough periods of little no no sleep, and I have managed. I get weird though. "Yes, you are under alll the mangoes." - a quote from when I didnt sleep much
35. Do you eat breakfast daily? no.
36. Are your days full and fast-paced? not always, but most of the time
37. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? yes.
38. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of package? sometimes
39. When was the last time you drove in a car for over 2 hours? Vernon last weekend
40. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? yes. when I have something wrong spelling wise, I usually go (sp) so everyone knows that I know i'm spelling it wrong!
41. Have you ever been to Six Flags? not yet, maybe on the way down to coachella, what do you think
42. Do you often dream when you sleep? In bright colours!!! (PLEASE GET THIS JOKE AND LAUGH YOUR FACE OFF.... seussical? anyone?)
43. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? depends on the circumstance girls can be petty, but guys don't always give me the emotionally feedback I need. So probably guys, but girls are better as close (best?) friends.
44. Do you like mustard? not really
45. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? side, or all twisted up
46. Last person who called you? Dad, glenn and graham

1) Single, taken or crushin? Single. SOOOO single.
2) Are you happy with where you are? no
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? well I havent met the "right" person yet, now have I?
4) Have you ever had your heart broken? yes.
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where you find cheating acceptable? like threesomes? talking academically, yes, but its bad bad bad! Even if the other person doesn't mind. gad, my relationship with chris was so weird.
6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? depending on the circumstances, probably though.
7) Have you talked about marriage with another person? yeah
8) Do you want children? yes
9) How many? several
10) Would you consider adoption? If I couldn't have my own. I want my own though, no matter how selfish that is.
11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be? something personal and funny or touching. like getting me a birthday cheesecake and writing on it :)
12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? I don't know how to play games. I'm wayyyy to honest when it comes to relationships.
13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dateing? I DONT KNOW HOW!! even if I did, i dont know if I would.
14) Do you believe love at first sight existsts? I don't know yet. there are times (you wive as if in a dweem) (LOL) when I don't think love in the hallmark, hollywood sense exists, but then... *sigh* sometimes....
15) Are you romantic? Sometimes. Sometimes not so much. Like I can have a one-night stand and not get emotionally attached, or i can meet someone ONCE, at a bus stop in another country and have such strong feelings about them that months after I'm still thinking about it.
16) Do you believe you can change someone? I believe a person can be a catalyst for change in someone else, but the change won't neccisarily be what you expect, and... well, change only happens when they want it to.
17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be? I would have an ice castle built in russia, fly all my friends there and have a candlelit wedding. with a string quartet. In a silk and faux fur dress. With peach-pink roses and nice warm shoes, cuz they'd be covered by my dress:D Yeah, I have expensive tastes. But only when they say money isn't an object!!! Otherwise, still a candlelit wedding, but in some other sort of building. or even better, outside, but with candles in the threes. It would have to be carefully monitored though so we didnt burn a forest down.
19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting? No.
20) Do you have feelings for someone right now? Nothing that isn't easily covered up. :) I'm a therapists future retirement home :D
21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you didn't take advantage of your opportunity? absolutly.
22.) Have you ever broken a heart? I believe so.
23.)What will happen if you come home and find another person in bed with your significant other? I'd freak right the fuck out. either that or shut down, walk away, and never go back.
24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other? Does this significant other get no say? if theyre not going to chooose me right away, theyre not worth it.
25.) What would you say your boyfriend/girlfriend does better now than your last ex and what did your last ex do better than boyfriend/girlfriend now? *cough* I have a boyfriend/girlfriend? this is a good question, but not for me.

1. Hometown: Lantzville
2. Height: 5'2 and a half
3. Hair color: naturally light brown, but currently growing out a weird red that used to be purple.
4. Hair length: really short, maybe 3 inches?
5. Hair style: currently I've been getting into the hairband thing
6. Eye color: green
7. Shoe size: 6
8. Mood: apprehensive
9. Sexuality: bisexual
10. Cell phone: rogers

1. Have you ever been in love: as far as my definition of love says thus far.
2. Do you believe in love?: most of the time
3. Why did your last relationship fail?: i completely fucked it up.
4. Have you ever been heartbroken?: yeah
5. Have you ever broken someones heart?: I believe so.
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend: humm... interesting question. ONE of my best friends maybe?
7. Are you planning on getting married?: eventually
8. Are you afraid of commitment?: humm. I don't know, I've never really commited in the past, but not for fear, just situation. I don't like the idea of my movements or thoughts being controlled.... and sometimes I rebelled a little too far from that
9. Would you ever get married to someone of the same sex?: I would consider it
10. Would you ever have sex with someone of the same sex? absolutly not :P:P:P *cough* yeah everyone knows thats bullshit.

1. Love or lust?: for whattttt???? love I guess, but you need both!!!
3. Night or day?: night
4. Hook-ups or relationship?: relationship
5. Tv or internet?: internet
6. Pepsi or coke?: coke....hahah diet cherry vanilla coke
7. Wild night out or romantic night in?: with your friends or a guy? its more fun to be out and crazy with friends, even if theres a random involved, but when its your bf, I'd wanna stay in :)
8. Saturday or Sunday?: saturday
9. Colored or black and white picture?: Black and white
10. Phone or in person?: in person.

SO real post coming soon, I promise.